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Everything posted by takowai

  1. Hey...after I had given up hope. You're a lifesaver. Thank you.
  2. It's no good..... I'm having a blonde day. I'll keep working on it and hope that I can find a way myself. Thanks anyway.
  3. I am trying to attach the project but I'm new to this and am having problems - please bear with me!!
  4. That was one of the ways that I tried. I used: Dim FrmMaint As New Maintenance frmMaint.Show() It works but the Menu form is still behind the Maintenance form. How do I hide the Menu form until the Maintenance form is closed? When I close the Maint form (which I have managed) I then need the Maint form to disappear and the Menu form to reappear. At the present time it just stays behind the new Menu form so I have the original Menu, the Maint and then the new Menu in a stack.
  5. I have a problem with three forms - one is the menu for the other two. I can open the other two forms from the Menu but the menu stays in the background. When I close the new form a totally new Menu opens leaving me with three forms on screen etc. I know that there is a way of hiding the Menu or the other forms when I return to the Menu but, try as I might, my screen keeps being populated by these forms. I would appreciate any help that you may be able to give. Thanks.
  6. Thank you, it works perfectly. Will I ever understand all of this? I am enjoying the challenge but it gets so frustrating sometimes! Once again - thanks for your assistance
  7. I have a form which, when data is entered in certain textboxes, produces a file path to retrieve a .gif file for a picturebox. My problem is - how can I get a messagebox to say "File not found" if the file does not exist in that directory or if the data placed in the textboxes is incorrect thereby giving a wrong file path? Everything I try comes back with a debugging message. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  8. I used the End command - something not advised I know. I then took that out and replaced it with the Dim statement to take me back to the Menu. I know that there is a better way of closing the Maintenance form with the "Nothing" statement but , for the life of me, I just can't find how to use it in any of my reference materials.
  9. No - it brings up another Menu so I now have three forms layered on the screen.
  10. Thanks for your help with the forms that I'm setting up. Could you give me just a little more of your time? I can now access the Maintenance form and View form from the Menu form. How do I return to the Menu form when I button_click on Exit from either of the others?
  11. Hey - It just sunk in what you mean and it works!!!! Thanks soooo much.
  12. "Public Class frmMaint" is the name of the Class for the Maintenance Form, "Public Class frmMenu" for the Menu Form and "Public Class frmView" for the View form.
  13. I said that I would be back - I have followed your advice but I keep getting "Maintenance not defined" How do I define this please?
  14. Don't worry - I'm sure to come up with more blonde questions as the day progresses!!
  15. Wow - that was fast. Thank you.
  16. I am new to vb so can anyone help me please? I have 3 forms - Menu, Maintenance and View. I want to loan either the Maintenace form or the View form via a button_click on the Menu form. Thanks
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