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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by atesh

  1. How would I go about making a chart for data in VB.net, similar to when viewing files in Explorer with Details view (see the attachment pic.)
  2. To set which form is the initial form, goto Project, Properties, and you'll see a drop down box called Startup Object where you select this.
  3. I've noticed that after installing Visual Studio .NET now when I boot up the user sign on screen comes up although I only have one account so it is unnecessary. When I goto control panel / user accounts, an "ASP.NET Machine A..." has been added. This must be what is causing the user signon screen to come up. Is there a way to get rid of it? If i delete that account will it affect my VS .NET? Thanks.
  4. Also, in case you didn't know, the system running any applications created with any of the Visual Studio .NET developing apps require the .NET Framework to be installed on that system to work. (At least with VB.NET, I think the others are the same.)
  5. show us the code you have please
  6. For x as integer = 1 to Len([i]StringName[/i]) Console.WriteLine([i]StringName[/i]) Next
  7. Dim GetRan As New Random GetRan.Next(1, 50) Why is it that this will never return the number 50? I thought the first number (in this case 1) is supposed to be the lowest possible number to return, and the second number (in this case 50) is supposed to be the highest possible number to return. But apparently, the highest number it can return is 1 - the second number (in this case 49).
  8. Is there a simple way to set up controls such as textboxes or listboxes so that the user can click on the border and resize them (like with the form)?
  9. 2 questions: (1) How do I create the bitmap to use as my drawing surface? and (2) After I draw the final image can I save it to hard disk as BMP?
  10. Can you show me brief code to do this: User selects bitmap files and enters the coordinates for each one to be put onto one large bitmap with all the selected images. Thanks.
  11. Is there any reason why some objects in VB.NET count with the first item being 0, instead of 1. (e.g. the listbox) Anybody know why they do this? It ends up making things more confusing/complicated.
  12. Why do I get 'Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.'? Dim z as integer = 0 While srReader.Peek() > -1 z += 1 ListBox(1).Items.Item(z) = srReader.ReadLine() ListBox(1).Items.Add(ListBox(1).Items.Item(z)) End While Total it is supposed to load a little over 7000 lines into the listbox. I don't know if this has anything to do with it.
  13. here's what i did which works: If e.KeyChar.IsLower(e.KeyChar) Then e.Handled = True TextBox.Text &= e.KeyChar.ToUpper(e.KeyChar) SendKeys.Send("{END}") End If The pressing END key is so the caret is at the end of the textbox instead of the start.
  14. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("F:\program files\MozillaFirebird\MozillaFirebird.exe", "www.microsoft.com") Note though that this is for mozilla firebird, not internet explorer. Find out the standard location of iexplore.exe, I can't tell you what it is because I tried my best to get rid of that program on my machine.
  15. what's the code at the keypress event that'll make a pressed lowercase letter uppercase. here is what tried, which obviously doesn't work but you get the idea: Private Sub TextBox_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox.KeyPress If e.KeyChar.IsLower(e.KeyChar) Then e.KeyChar = e.KeyChar.ToUpper(e.KeyChar) End Sub
  16. by the way, i just solved it by doing focus on the textbox then SendKeys("{PGDN}"). it isn't the best way to fix it but it'll do fine unless someone else has a better idea.
  17. how would i make a richtextbox automatically scroll to the bottom without having the focus on that box. (ScrollToCaret won't work because the caret is not in that box.)
  18. no but the systems I tried them on were both windows XP pro, but w/o .NET installed.
  19. Do vb.net applications only run on computers with .NET installed? Because I just tried my builds on other computers and they won't run. If this is the case, how can I get vb.net apps to run on other systems.
  20. Why doesn't this work? I get error 'expression expected' at the first {. SendKeys.Send({BACKSPACE})
  21. hi i have a problem with rich text box formatting. It seems when I format the current text, the previous text that i've formatted goes unformatted. Here's the code: MainBox.Find((UserName.Text & ": "), RichTextBoxFinds.Reverse) Dim fntrb As New Font(MainBox.Font, FontStyle.Bold) MainBox.SelectionFont = fntrb MainBox.SelectionColor = Color.Red So if I have several lines with each one beginning with UserName.Text, each time the line is entered it is supposed to format that part. The problem is after it formats that part the previous lines become unformatted, which I don't want to happen.
  22. but won't the drawn text go onto the form and the other labels will cover it up?
  23. making it transparent doesn't remove the gray area.
  24. somebody please explain to me how to do this: all i want is to have some text appear over the top of several labels in my form. for an example: look at the attached image. I want the red 'Text' to appear over the labels but I don't want the grey background. It's driving me crazy trying to accomplish this so a little guidance is greatly appreciated.
  25. Is it possible to make a label truly transparent, and if so, how? What I mean is for BackColor I can set to Transparent but this only makes it the color of the form's backcolor. What I want is to have only the text in the label show, nothing else. If there is another way to produce this same effect I would be satisfied also.
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