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Everything posted by Bucky

  1. Yes, the problem is a bit similar, only I am changing the textbox values in the code-behind file in Page_Load, not in JavaScript. I tried setting EnableViewState for both the boxes and the web form to False, but the same problem still occurs. And LOL at that thread title. :) [edit]Another thing if it helps... the TextChanged event does not seem to fire on either of the boxes, whether they end up returning the correct value or not[/edit]
  2. I have a web form with two asp:TexBox controls, txtSubject and txtMessage, and txtMessage is multilined. If, in Page_Load, I set the Text property of either of these boxes, no matter what the user enters, the Text property always returns what was set in Page_Load. If I don't set a value for a box in Page_Load, the Text property retrieves the "correct" value. What am I missing here? :confused:
  3. You are going to want to use the DownloadFile method of the WebClient class. Look in the .NET Framework references for examples of how to use it, and a listing of its memebers. You will have to download it to a text file, open the text file for reading, and read it into the RTB. Here is a little clip from the help file about the class: Good luck.
  4. Whew, I figured it out. Apparently my app can only write over the file if it was created by that app. So I copied the XML file under a new name, then deleted the original. Then I temporarily changed the code to have it read from the copy and write to the filename I wanted. Then I changed everything back, and it works like a charm. Who woulda thunk? :)
  5. You can use the Constants search on EliteVB HERE to find the values of the constants. Also, usually a good Google search on your constant name will return good results. [edit]Whoo! Post #800! :D[/edit]
  6. Okay, I found something out... I'm using one XML file, data.xml, to store data in my app. Each of the pages in the app loads data.xml into an XmlDocument object (xd.Load(path)). Now when I acces this page directly once, it updates the file. But every acces after that, the error occurs. Now there are no errors Loading the file, only for Saving... So I think the question now is how do I close the XmlDocument after loading it? I'm all confused now. :( [edit]One last thing... If I Load and Save data1.xml (just a copy of data.xml for testing), it works perfectly... So maybe I need to Save every time I Load an XmlDocument in the other pages, even if the XmlDocument isn't modified?[/edit]
  7. Upon trying to save an XmlDocument file, ASP.NET tells me that access is denied and that I cannot save over a file. This is the error: Now I'm on Windows XP Pro, and nowhere do I see a place to change the security options for the file. I also looked in the ASP.NET service options in admin tools, but no luck. How do I allow my ASP.NET app access to save the file?
  8. Ah, I was thinking too hard about this one... I just added a class to the project and put the functions in that. D-aherrrrr. :)
  9. How do I create a Sub or Function that is accessable throughout my entire ASP.NET project? I tried declaring one as Public in Global.asax, but no luck. I found that you could, however, access constants declared as Public in Global.asax. (Global.ConstName)
  10. Perfect, thank you!
  11. I have an XML file with a bunch of links, categorized by, well, category. I want to be able to write one ASP.NET page and then just rename it to all the category names, and have it retrieve links from the XML file based on the name of the ASP.NET file. I have the XML reading part down pat, but is there any way I retrieve the filename or URL of the ASP.NET page so I don't have to change it for each file?
  12. Because you're only increasing the loop by one, you're only setting it to one pixel above the hyperlink before it (100 + i). I suggest you multiply "i" by something to move the link down on the page more, maybe something like this: sid(i).Style.Item("top") = 100 + (i * 20) That example will put the hyperlink 20 pixels below the last one. You might have to increase the number you're multiplying by to get them in the right position. HTH And yes Robby, this is VB.NET. (actually ASP.NET, but it's close enough) :)
  13. Use the Font's Height property. If you are also looking for a font's lengh, check out this recent thread.
  14. I did a Google on this first, and I found this page, but it says use RectangleF. But how can I use the rectangle if I don't know the size to beign with!? *sigh* /me kicks MSDN Anyway, thanx a lot Divil, that's perfect. :)
  15. How can I get the width, in pixels, of a string of a certain Font object? I want to be able to DrawText directly outside the left-hand side of a form, but I can't do so if I don't know the width of the text. If there's no solution, I guess I can have an invisible, AutoSizing label, set its font and Text properties, then find the Width property. (cheesier than a Domino's pizza, I know) :)
  16. I've been looking for something like this, and it sounds perfect! Except... the first link doesn't work. :(
  17. The Visual Basic.NET Bible is also a great resource, although it does not cover use of GDI+. :mad: PS: And yes, VB.NET is technically VB 7.
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