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Everything posted by hcorrea

  1. rvermeulen, The problem could be that your SQL Server is configured to allow only Windows authentication. Go to SQL Server Enteprise Manager, look for your server (e.g. LOCAL), right click on it, go to Security tab. Take a look at the Authentication mode selected. If the mode is SQL Server and Windows, then what you have should work. If the Authentication mode is Windows only, then that's probably your problem. For Windows only authentication you need to pass something like "trusted connection=yes/true" as one of the parameters instead of the username and password. I don't have an example handy but you can find about this on Google. You might want also to try with a connection string like this (for SQL Server and Windows authentication.) value="server=(local);database=mydb;uid=myusr;pwd=mypwd"
  2. How does your connection string look like?
  3. As PlausiblyDamp mentioned, the problem is most likely due to .NET's security policies. Take a look at the following article to see some of the things that you might need to configure as far as the security policies: http://www.code-magazine.com/article.aspx?quickid=0307061&page=4
  4. You should take a look at the Grid TableStyles. TableStyles are used to configure the look and feel of grids. I have a sample here. http://www.gotdotnet.com/Community/UserSamples/Details.aspx?SampleGuid=c70c9240-d404-4f5c-b2fc-45475ef1eeb0
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