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Everything posted by CryoEnix

  1. Never mind guys, I've sorted it now. I've just changed it to a Sub rather than Function and passed the array to fill as a ByRef Argument. Yay!
  2. The title speaks for itself really. I've written this code: Public Function GetLabel(ByVal Checked As Boolean) As String() Dim Num As Long Dim GetVal(0) As String For Num = 1 To UBound(Label) If Label(Num).Checked = Checked Then ReDim Preserve GetVal(UBound(GetVal) + 1) GetVal(UBound(GetVal)) = Label(Num).CustomerName End If Next GetLabel = GetVal End Function ..So basically it returns an string array from the Label() array, only including the names of the customers that have the required ".Checked" property. Problem is, the array it fills (eg. "AllTrue = Getlabel(True)) seems to have it's string values written in red in the variable box at the bottom, and I can't use the AllTrue() array afterwards. Any Ideas? Is the function written incorrectly? help!
  3. Cheers dudes for the quick response! Now I'm gonna play with some new toys...
  4. Hey, say if you didn't know where the user's my documents folder was, I know there's a way of coding the folder like &My Documents% or something. What is the correct syntax, and how is it used? I know there's one for system32 too. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. Hey guys, I have the SAPI51listbox.ocx file used in my application, and I want to find out if it's registered (ie, installed) on the target pc on installation so I can avoid a crash, and direct the user to the required file if needed. How do I check if it's registered? Heelp!
  6. Hey, I recently published a program online, with your typical Paypal donations button on it. I was wondering, does anyone actually click it? Have any of you made any money from your programs in this way, and if so, is it anything to scream about? Just wondering.
  7. Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've just compiled the installer for my most recent program and was wondering whether it will work on computers that don't have the .NET framework installed - I used .NET package & deployment on a VB6 Exe. I've included the File here if you fancy checking for me - although I'm guessing you all have the framework, being a .NET forum and all...
  8. Hey guys, I've just finished my sixth encryption program (yay - and this one works!) and have been working on deploying the solution. Everything works fine, including the file association, to an extent. The file association applies to my own extension ".en6". Now any .en6 file is given the correct icon on installation, and also opens up my decryptor on a double click. Excellent. Problem is, when I right click the .en6 and click properties, the heading "Opens with:" displays my program's icon, but a space where the name should be. How do I fix this?
  9. Cheers Jay1, that's what is was in VB6, and although selecting MDI had gonnen rid of those damned tabs, the windows are still fixed to the GUI. How do I undock them? Ah, I see a typo in my previous post. I meant to see the code on one window and the object on the other. D'oh...
  10. Hi there. The program I'm currently writing is getting pretty big code-wise (as you all have experienced, lol!). I was wondering, in VB6 I could split VB so I could read the code on one monitor and see the code on the other. Is this possible with .NET, and if so, how? Cheers guys, you've never let me down yet. ....except for that one time, but the guy responsible is dead now...
  11. Hey guys, I'm trying to create an Excel spreadsheet in VB.NET and then Export it to Excel through the Excel Spreadsheet object. I think I've mastered adding the fields to the objects but I was wondering how I would align the text in a cell from top to bottom. IE: Not like this L i k e t h i s ! any ideas? Your feedback will be most, most welcome...
  12. Try This: Dim Num as integer Dim ByteStr as string For Num = 1 to 128 ByteStr = ByteStr & Chr(ByteArray(Num))'Where ByteArray is The Array of bytes of yours. Hmmm. Next If UCase(Mid$(ByteStr,1,3)) = "TAG" then 'code here for dealing with the ID3... End If This code hasn't been tested, and may need some editing on your part, but it should do the trick :D .
  13. CryoEnix


    ...Huh? Sorry man, but you'll have to be a bit more specific than that...
  14. Lol, that was easy. got it sorted guys. And seasons greetings!
  15. Hey again guys, I've just started a new program, but I can't compile it for some reason. I keep getting this Error: 'Sub Main' was not found in 'Program.form1' Any idea what's going on? This didn't happen with my last program, but I think it might have something to do with moving stuff to a new hard disk.
  16. I've gotten round the problem by letting the user decide upon the encryption key - a password, If you will. Then the key won't be floating around in the exe - it will only be in the encrypted file and the correct user's mind! BTW, i'd really like to see the source too, I'm having a few problems of my own - ie speed! I'd be willing to show you show far I've gotten if you want...
  17. Cheers Plug, but it doesn't seem to work. I've been looking at the 'Auto' window as the program runs and, although the variable changes in the code, it is displayed as red - and it doesn't change on the object! Is it me, or is VB.NET looking awkward? auto screen.bmp
  18. Hey guys, I recently ported over from VB6 to VB.NET. I'm having a few problems with the syntax. I have a module, and in it I need to change the property of a label in another form. In VB6 the code would be something like this: Form1.Label1.caption = "Yay, it worked!" But how would I got about this in .NET? it won't work! Grrr!
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