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Everything posted by CryoEnix
Yes, but not in one string. If you tried then VB would kick and scream like a kid with ADD. By using several different keys set at different lengths, the lowest common denominator for the key(s) length equals 50678051688 bits, or 6,334,756,461 bytes in length. Thus, this would effectively be the length of the overall key.
Hmm, so programs that boast 512 bit encryption just have a key 64 characters long - interesting, as that would make my encryption program 50678051688 bits in power.... I take it that's good, then?
Hey guys, I'm curious as to what encryption programs mean when they say they use '512 bit encryption'/'256 bit encryption'. Are they just meaning the size of the encryption key*8? If so, then surely the 'x-bit encryption' level is just dependent on the size of the key? Somebody please elaborate on this.
It's okay guys, I've found the answer I was looking for here: http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/NET/Code/Libraries/Shell_Projects/Associations/Touch_Utility/article.asp - it clearly explains what to do - woo!
How would I go about adding an item to the context menu (on right clicking a file in explorer) that would add a custom command? Say for example, I wanted the option to be "Open in binaryreader" and I wanted it to launch the file "c:\binaryreader.exe" with the command line parameter being the path of the file that's been right clicked, and that it would appear when right clicking any file, regardless of extension. I know this is possible, as winzip and other programs seem to 'intrude' into these context menus. Any Ideas?
Hey guys, I've been using the File types editor in deployment lately, but I've run into a wall. I've managed to create a file extension for my encrypted file format, and clicking on it will run my encryption program to decrypt it. Also, right clicking on the file will give you a "Decrypt" option instead of "Open". Problem is, I want to add a wildcard to the editor so that for every extension other than 'my' one, the right click will give a "Encrypt" option in addition to its others. How do I do this? Please help! CryoEnix
Cheers guys, You've both been a great help. Additionally: Blackstone, The Main method you're referring to - does it run on startup like the one in Java, or does it need to be called?
...That does seem a little too easy... *runs back to check* By the 'Main' sub, are you referring to form_load? There are already two parameters in there by default: (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Hey peeps, does anybody know how to retrieve the parameters passed to the compiled exe at runtime? In Java you get an array of strings right in front of you (args[]), so how is this done in VB.NET? Thanks
ThePentiumGuy, Himo... What can I say? You guys are the dog's! I mean, have you ever been so grateful for some help that you'd be willing to go to someones door to thank them personally? That's where I am now - of course, there's the transport issue, and I don't think you'd be too chuffed with a new stalker. Enough of the ranting, thanks a million - gonna start playing with that code right away! On the note of arrays, since .NET's removal of manual dimming (3 to 6, for example), I've been dimensioning them one higher than usual - in this case, from 0 to 1024 and ignoring the 0. I find this especially useful to find out if there's anything in an array - as trying a Ubound() on an undimensioned array tends to make VBN scream like a girl.
Hi there guys, I wasn't sure which area to post in, so I thought this one best. I'm currently writing an encryption program side by side in Java and VB.NET, to compare performance differences and generally get the hang of Java (I'm new to it). Problem is, I have this code to initialize the encryption class in VB: Dim NewEnc(1024) As ClassEnc6 For Num = 1 To UBound(NewEnc) NewEnc(Num) = New ClassEnc6("encryptionkey") Next How do I recreate this in Java? I've tried all sorts, and any Java documentation I can find is way over my head. Any ideas?
Hi guys, this one's been bugging me for over a year now, and I've finally snapped. In VB6, once you enter the code window for a form the objects are displayed in the top left dropdown listbox in alphabetical order - not so in .NET, they seem to be arranged in the order they were created. The reason I've snapped now is that I've been working on a program by myself for a little over a year now, and some of the forms have upwards of 50 objects on them - meaning that if I were to initialize a new event to one of the objects I'd have a needle/haystack job on my hands instead of simply going through the listbox alphabetically. Is there a way to sort the box, or am I to be stuck in torment until I crack and do the traditional sniper rifle/church tower job in my local town center? Thanks!
PlausiblyDamp, you're a star, a bloody star! From that code you've given me I've been able to make this function, I hope it helps other people like it helped me: Public Function GetMaskFromIP(ByVal TheIP As String) As String Dim mc As New Management.ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration") Dim nics As Management.ManagementObjectCollection nics = mc.GetInstances() Dim nic As Management.ManagementObject For Each nic In nics If nic("ipEnabled") = True Then Dim s As String For Each s In nic("IPaddress") If s = TheIP Then Exit For Next If s <> TheIP Then GoTo TryNextIP s = "" For Each s In nic("IPSubnet") GetMaskFromIP = s Next End If TryNextIP: Next End Function
Hi there, I've been playing around with networking in .NET lately, and I've managed to develop a function to return all of the IP addresses of the local machine - yay! But I digress... The problem is, I need to find the subnet mask for each of these IP addresses - for example, if I were to pass the IP "" to a function, I would like it to return the subnet (in this case ""), or even just a string/boolean telling me if it's a LAN or Internet IP. Anyone?
Writing key to registry - .NET throws a fit!
CryoEnix replied to CryoEnix's topic in Directory / File IO / Registry
Lol! All this time I've been pulling my hair out, and it turns out to be a missing parameter, d'oh! Thanks jdemackio, you're a saviour. -
Okay, I've got this code: Dim myKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey Dim strLocation As String Dim strKey As String strLocation = "SOFTWARE\CryoBeeF\Wine Totals" strKey = "Path" myKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(strLocation) myKey.SetValue(strKey, Application.StartupPath)'error on this line myKey.Close() Now, the "Path" Part already exists in the registry, but it's value is blank until this code fills it is - however, I get this error message when I try to run it: "Additional Information: Cannot write to the registry key" What does this mean, and how can I bypass it/fix my code?
Hi there, I'm currently using the Package & Deployment thingie for .NET to help install my program - now, I've used it before so it's a breeze, but with one exception. On the Regisry editor page, I can add a String value in the appropriate key called "Path", but how do I set the value of it to the installation folder for my program? Is there a way of linking it back to the installer? Help!
K, cheers guys, I'm gonna try the code when I get back. A lovely 11 hours of college today, hooray for me..
Sweet! So smething along the lines of this is fine: Dim Num as integer Dim Num2 as integer Redim Cells(10,20) For Num = 1 to 10 For Num2 = 1 to 20 Cells(Num, Num2) = New XlCell() Next Next And also, how would I Dim the Cells() to start? Cheers dude
Hey people, I've made a Class called XlCell, and basically it has all the properties (that I will need) for a cell in Excel, so I can quickly build a 'virtual' Excel worksheet in .NET and export it to an Excel macro, which will do the rest. However..... In order to do This I will need this code outside of the class to use it: Dim Cells() As New XlCell() Problem is, it doesn't like this line, saying "Arrays cannot be declared with 'New'." on the error tooltip. I can create the object as a singular, but it hates arrays. How can I do this? Ps: it's going to be a 2 dimensional array (Rows/Columns), just in case it makes any difference to the response.
Ooh, now that's a question and a half. Could they be waiting for the Doom 3 release to die down?
Cheers guys, is there anything you DON'T know?
Cheers dude, that code's gonna have me mulling over it for a while, but I'm sure It's what I'm after. Thanks again, man!
Hmmm, sounds interesting. Could you explain?