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Everything posted by KenpoMatt

  1. FYI - I found out there is a COM object that will generate WDDX for you. Here is an example using classic ASP. The tool kit can be downloaded here. Looks like it hasn't been updated since 1999.
  2. I have to build some web services to share data with a sister company. They are enamoured with WDDX. They are a ColdFusion shop and by default want to use Allaire's WDDX standard. What do I gain by using WDDX instead of plain old vanilla XML. I am not really familiar with XML, but I understand the basics. WDDX seems to be a subset. Do I have any incentive to adopt or refrain from WDDX? Does .Net have the parser? Thanks
  3. Most companies I have worked for require a 4 year degree. They won't even consider an interview without it. Then, they evaluate your experience compared to that of the other candidates. Experience is far and away the most important thing. But, you have to find a company that is willing to hire someone without a degree. I'm not sure that climate exists in the job market anymore. There are some disciplines where it is easier to get in without a degree: helpdesk, desktop support, etc. But, you still usually need some experience & certifications like MCSE and A+.
  4. What are you doing with the data reader after you return it from the function? Did you remember to close and destroy it? Are you calling your UpdateDurations function in a loop where you might be creating connection after connection without dropping them?
  5. It is good that Crystal ecisions offers a forum. But, I have to say that the knowledge base is very weak. They do offer tips and samples. But, they are usually so basic that they don't really get you going. Anyway, it was just a thought.
  6. I do understand that ADO is not a database. And, that it is a collection of classes used for data acces & management. I'm definitely not using ODBC. I believe I'm using a native Oracle driver. I'm curious if .Net's Oracle objects fall under the ADO.Net umbrella. According to MSDN System.Data namespace, "consists mostly of the classes that constitute the ADO.NET architecture." OracleConnection et al reside in System.Data.OracleClient. It is the "mostly" part that makes me wonder whether OracleClient is part of ADO.Net. I know from past experience that Oracle & ADO do not play well together. I wonder if MS & Oracle have agreed to collaborate on the ADO objects.
  7. This article will tell you what you need to know about passing datasets to a crystal report using the Push Method . These articles will show you how to export to a PDF from a windows application. The concepts are basically the same in web forms. The example is available in VB.Net and C#.Net . Good luck!
  8. I use Oracle as my primary database. I create my conection, command and reader objects like this: Dim oConn as New OracleConnection oConn.ConnectionString = "data source=myDataSource; user id =myID; password=myPassword" Dim oCmd as New OracleCommand("select myField from myTable", oConn) Dim oReader as OracleDataReader = oCmd.ExecuteReader The data source name is not ODBC. It is an alias inside the TNSNames.ora file. So, this is a native Oracle connection, right? I am assuming these are NOT ADO objects and they do not inherit from ADO. Can anyone confirm/deny my assumptions on this? Just curious... Thanks, Matt
  9. Just a thought - it might be a good idea to have a subject area specifically related to Crystal Reports
  10. Try this: http://www.transcender.com
  11. Open the report. You can do this in VS.Net or outside of the project if you have another version of CR. Find the field you want on the report in the designer window. Right click on it. Click Format > Font. Set the Style to Bold. Find the "Formula" button next to the "Style" drop down. The button has a picture of a pencil with "X-2" printed over it. Click the button to get the formula editor. In it type this: if [i]{your_field}[/i] = 'Nico' then 1 else 0 Don't forget: you must include the curly braces for data field names {} and the @ sign for parameter fields
  12. KenpoMatt


    Kurt, Do you have any other Try Catch blocks in your application? You may have one higher up in the code which is wrapped around the function that executes myInt = convert.ToInt32(me.txtTextbox.text).
  13. I can offer a few suggestions: 1) Like Robby said, it sounds like a caching issue. Empty out your temporary internet files on the client machine. In IE Tools, Internet Options, Delete Files. 2) Check the properties of the report in the .Net solution Explorer. Make sure the "Full Path" is pointing to the correct report. 3) Do not keep old versions of the report in the same directory as your good report on the web server. I've run into cases with IIS where it will point to the wrong source. This generally happens if you copy & rename old code/reports into the same directory. It's rare but it does happen. 4) It doesn't sound like you are using Crystal Enterprise. But, if you are, make sure you have properly removed the old version of the report and replaced it with the new one. Also, make sure your are using the proper SI_ID so that you are not pointing to a previous instance of the report.
  14. I've been witing Delphi & VB6 for several years. I use them both regularly. I grew up on VB and then learned Delphi. I can tell you that VB6, syntactically is easier than Delphi. Delphi is not hard. It is just different. IMO it offers many mnay advantages over VB6. It gives you the power of C/C++ and is fully OO. Everything is compiled into a single exe and files are small. Delphi allows you to do everything you can do in VB6 plus much much more. An intersting point: MS actually hired one of Borland's original Delphi engineers to help pioneer the .Net framework. VB.Net is much more similar to Delphi now. It is fully OO, is strongly typed, uses standard exception handling, etc. Delphi rocks. I was actually considering abandoning VB. But, then .Net came along. MS languages will probably always be my bread & butter languages. But, Delphi will always hold a special place in my heart.
  15. Congrats! There seems to be something in the water here at my company. There is a rash of pregnancies in the office. Crazy!
  16. I'm working on an web-based Executive Digital Dashboard. It is intended to give C level managers a snap-shot view of the health of my company at any given moment. I am using .Net to dig into the Crystal Enterprise 9 infostore. It allows me to manage, schedule & run reports. I am using Crystal Reports 9 to design graphs and charts, then display the report parts using ASP.Net. Oracle is my database. I get the feeling I'm about the only guy out here writing anything against Crystal Eneterprise
  17. Take a look at this articel. It should be enough to get you started: http://www.aspalliance.com/articles/CrystalReportVSNet.aspx
  18. welp robbie - you're going to need some sort of existin interface to your home appliances. If they are currently automated, then, you might be able to do it. it all depends on whether the automation firmware/software exposes some sort of programatic interface to you. Honestly, chances are they have not
  19. which version of cr are you using? I assume it is the .net version as opposed to 8, 8.5, or 9. Are you trying to change the color programatically or in design time?
  20. Sr. Programmer Analyst for a helathcare company. Primary development: .Net (VB, ASPX), VB6, Delphi, Oracle, som MSAccess some ColdFusion
  21. how about a phone book/contact manager - store emails, phone numbers, birthdays etc
  22. I'm trying to get an idea of how many of you out there are using Crystal Enterprise 9 to manage & deploy reports. My shop is currently using CE8.5, CSP & ASP to deliver web based reports. I am in the process building a proof-of-concept application using CE9 & ASP.Net. I've seen the example out there that allows you to complie a report directly into your application. Although, that is a cool thing I can't imagine we'd be able to use that functionality for dash boards & report catalogs that involve hundreds or reports that are always changing, being upgraded or phased out. Anyway - just trying to get a feel for what you are doing. What issues have you encountered while trying to marry .Net & CE9?
  23. Welp, I'll speak to the randomizing of questions. That's an easy place to get started. 1) use a integer (speciffically, a sequence) as the primary key in the db table which holds your questions. 2) Use the inherent randomizing functions in your .Net language of choice to order the teh questions 3) present your questions in the order The tasks you listed are all very straight forward. Perhaps you might want to ask a qusetion specifically related to the function you are trying to implement. How do I get the start, stop a timer? How do I set the value of the status bar? etc... Good Luck!
  24. I believe it is an art. Or, I believe we strive to make or work functional art. It seems that most experienced developers I know strive for "elegant" solutions. Elegance inherintly speaks to taste, polish, beauty, form and style. That sounds like art to me. Here's the real question? What sort of artist are you? Baroque? Minimalist? Impressionist?
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