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Everything posted by Diablicolic

  1. LOL, yeah that would've been the smart way. You see when I was thinking about a Battle part in the project for the World and Main Menu...I tried an example on a different project in C# (why...I do not know lol), to see if I could do it. Well I did it! But it looked so good that I didn't want to move it over to Visual Basic, because if I did that then people would start to think: "Visual Basic? Gah that's like HTML." So now I got myself into this mess! lol, oh well I'll try out what you said. But I'll give it time because I'm going to make it so that they don't go: World --> Battle --> Battle Over --> World I'm going to MAKE them go: World --> Battle --> Game Over rofl It's the only way for now :rolleyes: Thank you for your help a lot Wyrd! I know we didn't exactly see each other eye to eye lol, but just the fact that you tried to help a lot is very nice of you.
  2. Here's a large picture (sorry for it being so large :-\ ) of everything! I'm still trying to work with what you're saying Wyrd. But like they say, frustration is part of learning.
  3. Ok how would I create a reference to the World by using the Form Object by using this? System.Windows.Forms.Form myWorld ------Edit------- This is how I transfer the information from WORLD to Battle: Event: Dim mySounds As New Splash_Screen.MySounds() mySounds.Play("Data/Sounds/Battle-Start.wav", SND_ASYNC) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) imgAvatar.Image = Nothing lblTalk.Text = "" timDialog.Enabled = False BackgroundMusic = BackgroundMusic.FromFile("Data/Music/Opening II.mp3") BackgroundMusic.Stop() BackgroundMusic.CurrentPosition = 0 Me.Hide() '//Dim myBattles As New Battles() '//myBattles.Initialize() Dim mySound As New Splash_Screen.MySounds() mySound.StopPlay() Dim newBattle As New Splash_Screen.Form1() newBattle.Show() TransfertoBattle(newBattle) timDialog.Enabled = False Transfer all the data to the Battle using this class in the WORLD Public Sub TransfertoBattle(ByVal theform As Splash_Screen.Form1) Randomize() Dim myRando As Integer myRando = CInt(Int((5 * Rnd()) + 1)) theform.transfertoBattle(Convert.ToInt32(lblLevel.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblCurrentExp.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblNextLevel.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblHPCurrent.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblMPCurrent.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblHPMax.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblMPMax.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblStrike.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblDefense.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblWisdom.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lblCourage.Text), mySwordlvl, myArmorlvl, myRando, myItem1, myItem2, myItem3, myItem4, myItem5, myItem6, myItem7, myItem8, myItem9, myItem10, myItem11, myItem12, myItem13, myItem14, myItem15, COPYOFMYWORLD) End Sub If you look at the very end of the information movement, you'll see COPYOFMYWORLD. At the top of this form this is what it looks like: Private COPYOFMYWORLD As The_Final_Fantasy.World Note that the DLL is in C# and the Project with the WORLD and Main Menu are in Visual Basic .NET
  4. Well I did send the form WORLD to Battle but...when you know you type something like this in a class, let's say the Battle Class: //So here I Imported the World form into Battle public void Imported(System.Windows.Forms.Form MyWorld) { //Ok so now I have the WORLD reference //Buuuut when I go like this: MyWorld. //And get the list of public subs and whatnot, I can't find the //Public sub that has to do with the character stats //That is located in the form WORLD }
  5. What's desktop sharing? :-\
  6. Yeah I had that problem too! lol. Then one day after I gave up, I was just doing my normal coding, and then I looked at a property called TopMost from the form I was working on and I was like: "oohh jeez" :rolleyes:
  7. That code is so insane! But looks cool.
  8. This is my first time with get and set. All of the information I'm moving from form to form is: Level CurrExperience NextLevelExp CurrHP CurrMP MaxHP MaxMP Strike Defense Wisdom Courage Swordlvl Armorlvl enemyPower item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 item8 item9 item10 item11 item12 item13 item14 item15 Now I'm transferring this stuff from WORLD to Battle to Battle Over and then back to WORLD. But that example that you made, that class called SomeDllClass, I would refer to that when the Battle Over is done with right? (when I move back to WORLD) I'm sorry for the bold, is it easier to read?
  9. **URGENT** Multiple Projects 1 DLL Problem!! AAHH!! This program game is due the 26th, and I've come across a crazy problem! Ok I'll try to give enough information so you guys can help me out. Ok this is the overview of what's going on: Overview: Ok I've got 2 projects. One is a DLL and the other is like the main menu and the place where the character moves. The DLL project is for the Battle, Game Over, and Battle Over. DLL Project: -Battle Form --when you're battling -Game Over Form --when you die you go here -Battle Over Form --where you receive your experience PROBLEM Main Project: -Main Menu --where you choose to go to a new game, load game, or exit -WORLD --this is where you walk around with your character PROBLEM Ok first go to Main Menu, so you click on New Game, there you go to the WORLD. Then Bam! You go into a battle! So I hide the WORLD form and send all of the stuff I need to the Battle form on the DLL. So you kill the demon! Then all of the information goes to the Battle Over form. Now, here's the problem: How am I suppose to send all of the data from Battle Over to a class in the WORLD if I can't reference to it?! (because I can't create a reference to a project that is not a DLL)
  10. What do you mean? What kind of control? You can just import a picture using a PictureBox and the animations will do its thing.
  11. No no I did, I tried ASYNC, SYNC, Just Loop, etc etc. I did read Squirm's post but I guess I didn't tell you guys that I tried a whole bunch of other ways including ASYNC. But since I already had a MySound Class on my other C# Project (because I had two projects), I used that class instead at which is the same thing except just in C#. Thank yall for your help! :)
  12. These are my tags at the top of the class! Private Const SND_SYNC = &H0 '// Play sound at the same time together Private Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 '// Play sound once at a time Private Const SND_NODEFAULT = &H2 '// Silence if the sound sound is not found Private Const SND_MEMORY = &H4 '// Points to a sound in memory Private Const SND_LOOP = &H8 '// Loop the sound Private Const SND_NOSTOP = &H10 '// DonAs Integer 't stop the current sound Private Const SND_NOWAIT = &H2000 '// DonAs Integer 't wait if the driver is busy ?? Private Const SND_ALIAS = &H10000 '// Name is a Registry alias Private Const SND_ALIAS_ID = &H110000 '// Alias is a predefined ID Private Const SND_FILENAME = &H20000 '// Name is a file name Private Const SND_RESOURCE = &H40004 '// Name is resource name or atom Private Const SND_PURGE = &H40 '// Purge non-static events for task ?? Private Const SND_APPLICATION = &H80 '// Look for application-specific association
  13. I tried that but it still doesn't loop, something tells me I'm doing something bad on form load. Because the music plays when the form is opening, and then when the form is fully opened and all of the images are there it stops. I have another question about PlaySound: PlaySound(Nothing, 0, SND_PURGE) What is the 0 for? I just put 0 there all of the time ------------- hahaha, whenever I put: Sound.PlaySound("Data/Sounds/Alarm.wav", 0, SND_LOOP) ANYWHERE, it freezes everything! What is goin' on?!
  14. Ok! Now when I play my sound, it doesn't loop even though I added the loop stuff: Const SND_LOOP As Integer = &H8 And here is the code that makes the sound Alarm.wav: Sound.PlaySound("Data/Sounds/Alarm.wav", 0, SND_LOOP Or SND_SYNC) The sound doesn't seem to loop even though it did with the previous version of PlaySound. I'm pretty sure I didn't add any code to stop it, or have any sounds that would destroy that current sound. It plays once and then just stops! Somebody help me!
  15. When I deleted Form1 I deleted the namespace lol. So that's why that error occured. So I won't be deleting stuff like that ever again! sheesh! :p
  16. Image Problem ! Click Here!
  17. But that's the problem, I don't know how to change VB.NET to C# :( I'm at the very beginning stages of C#, so I only know so much. I know how to do sounds in VB.NET, just not in C# because it's a little weird and requires skills that I don't know yet.
  18. I've searched everywhere and I can't find an example that works! I don't want tutorials, I want an example of playing a wav called: "MySound.wav" that would be in the same folder with the application. Could someone cook me up a quick example of using a sound in a program for the button1 click event? :-\
  19. Sweet! Thanks PlausiblyDamp :)
  20. Go here: http://www.darkomenstudios.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=103
  21. This is the picture of my question: Problem
  22. Yeah but I already know there is an error there, because I haven't completed typing what I was done doing yet :( But thank yoiu JABE, I'll try that :rolleyes: It was actually the Smart Editor Error instead of that other one, but I'm glad it's gone now :)
  23. I'm going to go insane: The Problem :(
  24. 'Real World Programming' The term always offends me everytime I hear someone say it. Even when I'm reading it out of a book. :(
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