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Everything posted by divil

  1. Personally I find learning C# fun, as all that is different between language that target the .NET framework is syntax and I knew C syntax already. It's quite refreshing to be able to interchange between the two at will.
  2. Try Assembly.LoadFrom
  3. Maybe your program is trying to load something from a resource stream embedded in a satellite assembly you forgot to distribute along with the main EXE file?
  4. You didn't even say what was wrong. Lots of people simply do not have the time to copy & paste your code to diagnose it. Including me.
  5. Oh, I misunderstood. Use the Replace() function.
  6. There is no need for the Call() before calling functions.
  7. There aren't escape characters in VB.NET. You can use two double quotes ("") next to each other to have an inline double quote in a string, e.g. strString = "This ""word"" is enclosed in double quotes."
  8. Try this instead: Module Hi Public Sub Main() Application.Run(New Myform()) End Sub End Module The key is the New keyword. After all, you want an instance of the form, not the name of it.
  9. Thinker, you make MS sound quite nasty when you say that, which I suppose they are if you look at it in a certain way. Certainly if they were using their monopoly to try and beat Java. Truth is, they've come up with a better solution.
  10. From the dropdown boxes, choose (Overrides) in the left one, then the sub you want to override in the right. Make sure the base sub is marked overridable. Then, in your new sub, you call MyBase.SubName to run that one, then put your new behaviour afterwards. This is how you extend it.
  11. You can either override the Sub in the base form which handles the event: Public Overrides Sub mySub(blah) End Sub or add another event handler to the control: AddHandler cmdMyButton.Click, AddressOf myNewFunction(sig)
  12. That's nice
  13. Then try the other thing I suggested.
  14. That ought to work fine, although you can now use the Length and SubString methods of the String class.
  15. That is clearly not valid C-style syntax. It would help if you told us what you're trying to do.
  16. The full C# command line compiler is included in both the .NET SDK and the framework runtimes package.
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