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Everything posted by divil

  1. 1. You're probably going to have to sort it manually. 2. The ListViewSubItem object has a ForeColor property.
  2. Perhaps hold should be declared as an object?
  3. There are plenty of samples included with the .NET Framework SDK
  4. divil


    System.DateTime.Now.Year, System.DateTime.Now.Month, etc etc
  5. Try using Process.GetProcessByName. A Process object has an Exited event, maybe that'll do. I'm not entirely sure, but I've a feeling you may need special rights on a process to attach to it that way, but I'm a little rusty. It's worth a shot.
  6. Isn't a "teach yourself vb.net book" a contradiction in terms?
  7. Each individual ListItem has a Remove method I think.
  8. Fortunately FTP is quite an easy protocol, and the RFC is quite descriptive. You'll want RFC 959.
  9. Class libraries are assemblies, yeah. System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name Should give you roughly what you need.
  10. No problems whatsoever. I always use Option Strict, as should everyone.
  11. I haven't printed from .NET yet, but presumably there is some way of getting a Graphics object from a PrintDocument. After then, you are correct, you'd use the DrawImage method of the Graphics object.
  12. divil

    Dos commands

    It's not a DOS window, it's a 32bit Windows console window. As for your question, one of the overloads of Process.Start accepts a parameter of type ProcessStartInfo. One of the members of this type is RedirectStandardInput. Investigate this and you should be well on your way.
  13. Not C#. Nothing requiring runtimes that may not be on the users system. You should be able to use VB5, if you don't have to support Windows 95 (hell, even Microsoft doesn't anymore) since you can be sure the VB runtimes will be included. VB6 runtimes were shipped with Windows 98 Second Edition.
  14. The way he was using would work, if you could actually do this. Tab strips are not meant to have their tabs hidden or disabled on the fly, nowhere in Windows does this. You need to re-evaluate your problem and come up with a better UI solution.
  15. If you don't want your application to rely on one "main window" you can always start a message pump off using Application.Run() (note you're not passing a form) and then use Application.Exit() to finish that message pump when you're done.
  16. Your processfile sub is shared. If you remove the shared keyword, it should work, but I don't know why you made it shared in the first place.
  17. mscott: If there's a chance what you're manipulating could be equal to nothing, then you should be checking, period. If VB6 let you get away with it before (which I'm not sure it did), then you'll have to get used to it now. It's called good programming practice.
  18. Bad people! This is VB.NET! Use the Substring method of the string class, not Mid/Left/Right!
  19. Try altering the declare so that hWnd is passed as IntPtr instead of Integer, then just use Picture1.Handle.
  20. You can include images in the project, and mark their build action as "Embedded Resource". Then you can get them at runtime with the GetManifestResourceStream() method of the Assembly class.
  21. You'll need to install and register the mschart.ocx file too.
  22. If you're trying to include images over 256x256 pixels in your project, chances are an ImageList is not really the best way of doing it. What do you need these images for? ImageLists are really only useful for binding to other controls, IMO.
  23. Whoa, I didn't know standard edition was limited that way. What project types are available in it?
  24. It doesn't let you get away with certain things you may have been used to getting away with in previous VB version, is all. One of these is implicitly creating an instance of a form with the same name as the form. In .net, you need to create an instance yourself, and pass it around to anything that needs it: Dim X As frmSecond = New frmSecond() X.Show()
  25. That's pretty much what you'll have to do. Control arrays are more work in .net at the moment, no doubt about that. On the other hand, they're far more flexible. Wait for designer support for them in a future version, I guess.
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