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Everything posted by divil

  1. Yes, because nothing else has come along and needed that memory. Try switching and working in another application for a while. Try minimizing your .NET app.
  2. I had the same trouble, but then I discovered its help file, which has lots of helpful information.
  3. divil


    It's not going to happen. Reflection doesn't work that way. Once you've compiled your assembly there is no longer any code to modify, and why would you want to make a class suddenly be a subclass of a different class?
  4. It does work, and it looks for the file in either the solution, project or build directory - I can't remember which. Also, if it fails to find it one time it sometimes takes a restart of the IDE to make it find it the next time, assuming you moved the file. So a lot of trial and error was necessary on my part when I did this!
  5. Check out the IsInputKey method of the control, you might have to override that. If you're just trying to get the control to accept a tab as input, it should already have an AcceptsTab property.
  6. Loop through all the controls on your form until you find the instance of MdiClient. Then you can change its backcolor directly.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. It should be in pixels unless you've changed the scaling transform of the graphics you're drawing to.
  9. I had the same problem, only our server had only 20 meg of space! I discovered the /t command line switch lets you specify an alternative drive/folder to use for temporary files during setup, I guess it's possible that would get you by. I solved it by going through and deleting some junk I found on the server.
  10. Presumably you have a declare for the function, where you define it using p/invoke. The [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] goes before the parameter there.
  11. You're talking at cross-purposes. All existing APIs will remain in Longhorn for backward-compatibility. However, as win32 takes a back seat to .NET, the number of APIs necessary to accomplish these tasks will decrease as a more object-oriented api set is made available. Finally the jump from calling in to C-style DLLs will happen, which we've been waiting for since the first version of Windows.
  12. Presuming this function is in a dll you're invoking with Platform Invoke, you don't need to do this. Instead, you can use the MarshalAs attribute before that parameter, passing UnmanagedType.LPStr to the attribute. .NET will automatically pass a pointer to a null-terminated ansi character string instead.
  13. And that brings us back to mutant's original answer. Use an enumeration.
  14. It wasn't, before. By the way, IE 6.5 has excellent popup blocking :)
  15. The only built in method of writing vertical text completely rotates it 90 degrees clockwise, which I take it you don't want.
  16. Use this attribute on your property: <EditorAttribute(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor), GetType(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))> The designer will take care of serialization of your property automatically.
  17. If you look up that function in MSDN you'll see there is a flag you can pass it to play the sound asynchronously.
  18. Personally I see no point in using Me to refer to a member of the class, from within that class. I sometimes do it when I want some intellisense of all the members, but even then I'll delete it afterwards. I just don't see the point of having it there in those circumstances.
  19. It's a protected method so works from anywhere within a derived class. You could probably use reflection to call it, too.
  20. Surely anyone who wanted a single exe with no dependancies would have chosen the appropriate language and compiler, i.e. MSVC++, to start off with?
  21. Just pass the form to the method that's going to add the controls.
  22. You can add and remove dockcontrols to and from dockpanels with the usual Controls.Add and Controls.Remove methods. These work across the board with the DockingSuite tools.
  23. Presumably those sample chapters are already online somewhere, if so it would be better to link to them.
  24. The form will always know about it, because you're going to be adding it to the form's Controls collection.
  25. I think their forums would be a better place to ask such a product-specific question really.
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