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Everything posted by divil

  1. Try removing whatever control you added that is causing that error. You'll have to do this in code, of course.
  2. TextBox would be more suited, surely?
  3. Tried putting Group in square brackets?
  4. I don't have time to look at your code, but the listbox is almost certainly the biggest slowdown in your code. Why do you need it?
  5. divil

    FTP in VB.NET

    Derek is right (he usually is). You'll need to make your own implementation of the FTP protocol using the Socket class.
  6. You're missing knowledge of the difference between an array and an ArrayList. I can't really tell what you're trying to accomplish with this piece of code, but you probably want either of these: Dim rate(17) As Double or Dim rate As ArrayList = New ArrayList() 'Then rate.Add(etc etc)
  7. Dim myPrintDialog As New PrintDialog() Dim mySettings As New Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings() mySettings.PrintRange = Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.Selection myPrintDialog.AllowSelection = True myPrintDialog.PrinterSettings = mySettings myPrintDialog.ShowDialog()
  8. It ought to loop however many times there are controls in the groupbox. I see no code for counting the number of loops, so how do you know. You step through it?
  9. Apart from copy/paste in to Notepad, I don't think so.
  10. This thread is 9 months old. Please don't dig these up.
  11. divil


    Yes I believe there is a ColumnHeaderStyle (or similar) property, consult your documentation.
  12. The command and args that would normally be passed will probably be members of the e that is passed to the function. Type e. and see what members are listed. I'm surprised the code didn't cause an error since you were trying to refer to "args" which doesn't exist. Maybe you turned Option Explicit off or something.
  13. System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location
  14. Don't bother bumping, it only irritates people. Your best bet might be what I already said, there isn't a way of getting a true measurement of pixels/inch from a screen unless you know the size of the screen.
  15. mouse_event API perhaps. Why are you doing this?
  16. I don't think so. You can control Optimization in the Build Configuration editor.
  17. It should almost certainly be, For I = 0 To SB.Length - 1
  18. Nope. You won't be hosting a Windows Forms Control in an ActiveX environment.
  19. System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current.Position = New Point(X, Y)
  20. It's not going to be that easy to delete a file from a webserver! You'll have to go in via FTP, probably.
  21. I'm glad you solved your problem, but don't forget you don't need two New assignments. You could probably get rid of the New from your declare at the top of the form code.
  22. The documentation always says (for each class) what Operating Systems it will work under, maybe that'll help.
  23. Or you can use the nifty .StartsWith method If myString.StartsWith(".") Then 'blah
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