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Everything posted by divil

  1. I don't think it's the exists line that causing the error, it's more likely because you're deleting items from a listbox while looping forwards through it, which is always a Bad Idea, since you'll be trying to reference elements which no longer exist. Try changing your code so you loop backwards through the listbox instead of forwards, and get rid of your inti decrementor. It really helps if you tell us what error you're getting, not just "it gives an error".
  2. Audax321: If they had left file i/o the same as it was in vb6, I would have personally gone and found Bill Gates and whacked him upside the head with a rusty Input statement.
  3. divil

    .net framework

    Oh, it's a whopper alright
  4. divil

    .net framework

    You were erroneous... it needs 21meg of runtimes, not 80. There's no way to get rid of this dependancy.
  5. You could use a Timer component, starting it when the mouse enters the area and stopping it if the mouse leaves the area before it has activated.
  6. There is a mouseleave event where you could clear the box if you wished. If he said that that code would make the text appear when you move the mouse over the listbox, he is correct. It won't do anything apart from that though.
  7. Just let .net take care of its own memory consumption. Thousands upon thousands of lines of code have gone in to making the .net garbage collector what it is, and the codes makes for fascinating reading. It may look like a lot, but it scales well and it will look after itself. The GC is meant to relieve the programmer of worry about memory concerns, not the opposite.
  8. The methods of System.IO.File and System.IO.Directory should be ample for what you need.
  9. Where you have Input = TextBox1.Text... Just think about it. You're trying to stick a string in to a double, that's just not going to work. You need a method to convert a string in to a double, you can use the VB CDbl function, or, better yet, the Double.Parse method. Input = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)
  10. 1. There is a class in .net that does this for you, FolderNameEditor or something 2. No. Use a fileopendialog, or populate a listbox by using System.IO.Directory.GetFiles() and adding them yourself.
  11. Show us the code, and show us what error you get.
  12. What you heard is correct, .NET Windows Forms have properties which, in the vast majority of situation, provide all you need to tell controls how to resize themselves automatically. It really is very good.
  13. If you know C syntax and VB syntax, you can pretty much interchange between VB.NET and C# as much as you like. You'll feel at home with both. .NET executables require than the .NET framework runtimes are present on the computer, that's the only restriction. A very small price to pay for the benefits the framework provides. I don't know of anyone actually doing anything with JScript, so I can't say anything about that. Subclassing is vastly easier and mostly unnecessary in .NET. The kind of subclassing you mean, anyway. It is possible to do real subclassing (inheriting and overriding) with .NET, and a lot of the controls are geared so that programmers can owner-draw them anyway. Transparent backgrounds are supported.
  14. Is that Infragistics control an ActiveX control or Windows Forms Control?
  15. One of the overloads of the Application.Run method takes no parameters, and creates a message loop not tied to any form. You should create a sub main, and show your first form before calling Application.Run(). You'll need to call Application.Exit() to shut down the message pump manually though.
  16. Prashant: No there isn't. paynea: I think the process class can raise an event once the application you start has been closed. Take a look at ProcessStartInfo.
  17. Since you're enumerating your own collection not the actual nodes in the treeview, I'm wondering why this is happening. Have you tried using the Remove method of the nodes instead? For Each DummyNode In alNodes DummyNode.Remove() Next
  18. Damn, I can't imagine anything more annoying than someone's program clearing your clipboard.
  19. You really shouldn't be using the Internet Transfer Control under VB.NET. This control does not ship with the product. My suggestion would be to connect to the webserver on port 80, and issue a HEAD request rather than a GET. This will return just the HTTP headers to you and not the file itself, and one of the HTTP headers should be a last-modified date. If you're running a LAN, you should be able to do this every second or so quite safely.
  20. FTP is port 21. Use a Socket or TcpClient class to connect. Read RFC 959 to learn the protocol and you should be all set.
  21. My way is better.
  22. Look up the various functions of the System.IO.Path class
  23. Or you could just inherit from the textbox to add whatever behaviour you need to it.
  24. Use the PointToClient() and PointToScreen() methods of the form, and the textbox, respectively. Or just add the coordinates to the those of the tab it's on, and any other container controls.
  25. http://www.planetsourcecode.com
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