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Everything posted by divil

  1. The new MSDN integrates itself in to explorer, and each page/topic is accessed by a URI starting in ms-help://. It's a good way of pointing people to specific pages in their documentation.
  2. I haven't heard of such a component, although as you say you may well be able to utilize WMP9 (which I hear has some managed classes) to do this. DirectX 9 will have lots of audio classes but I don't think it will stretch to what you need. You may need to use P/Invoke to call functions in legacy encoder DLLs. You could write a .NET class to wrap one.
  3. If possible, it would be nice to have another hack which made the forum software recognise ms-help:// links.
  4. By default, .NET looks for referenced assemblies in the same directory as the executing assembly. Much simpler than COM, with better version control. Next, it will look in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). Then it will look in any subdirectories you have configured in the executing assembly. Microsoft have coined the phrase "XCopy Deployment" because theoretically all you have to do to deploy .NET apps is copy them across.
  5. Whether you're a VB.NET or C# developer, these useful samples by Microsoft clarify what is the "Right Way" of doing several common tasks in .NET. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/browse/ Admin Note: Updated link to resources.
  6. Wasn't there a new version of this software coming out, or something? I recall someone (VolteFace?) getting excited about it once. Anyway, perhaps that new version will rid us of the need for all these hacks.
  7. Try select * from sysobjects where xtype = 'U'
  8. If this is happening all the time, it may be a bug in vs.net. Make sure you have the latest service pack (2) and see if that helps.
  9. Forms in .NET are just classes, which inherit from Form. When you remember that they're just classes it helps you understand the differences between them and VB6 forms. The biggest thing people trip up on is the lack of a default instance of the form, with the same name.
  10. I can see what you're trying to do, and it should certainly work. Anything that can be added to a container on a windows form must derive from Control, and Control has a Dock property so it should be there. Is this your own UserControl you're trying to add?
  11. Can you not add these controls and set their dock styles in the windows forms designer? Perhaps you could attach an example so we can visualize what you are trying to do?
  12. If your core application code and logic is in a class library, you could access that from either a windows or web application and separate interface from code quite effectively.
  13. Hopefully it will be out this or next month. The project manager indicated as much when I spoke to him.
  14. Any reference to this site being associated with a VB6 site should be as insignificant as possible, if it's even there at all. I can see the benefit in linking to this forum from the other, but I really can't see why we need to do vice versa at this point.
  15. I think the idea is that soon everyone will have the .net framework. It's already on windows update and in xp service pack 1, and the next generation of ms products will install it if you don't have it already.
  16. Yes. The .net framework runtimes need to be present on a system which will run a .net app.
  17. GDI+ provides two-dimensional vector graphics, imaging, and typography. It improves on GDI by adding new features and by optimizing existing features. The following article is a good introduction to the new things in GDI+. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/_gdiplus_about_gdi_managed_code_about.asp
  18. The socket class is a very powerful component meant to replace the functionality of the Winsock control from VB6. I will be posting either a tutorial on it or some sample code in the near future. As for the inet control, the socket class does not offer such a high-level approach to downloading data. This short snippet (courtesy of Derek I think) illustrates how easy it is to download data from HTTP synchronously in .NET: Dim wcDownload As New System.Net.WebClient() Dim bytDatabuffer As Byte() = wcDownload.DownloadData("http://www.microsoft.com/") Dim strDatabuffer As String = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytDatabuffer) Having to manually encode/decode text took a bit of getting used to, but it's good for platform independance, and it eliminates the need to use strings some of the time. Take sending a binary file by FTP for example - you use a BinaryReader to get a byte array from a file, and you can pass that byte array right to a Socket class to send it. No need for cumbersome strings where they're not necessary.
  19. Read First These forums are intended for questions relating to either syntax or other language features which apply only to the language you are using. Where possible, please use either the General .NET Forum or one of the forums dedicated to specialised areas of the framework. Posting there will encourage a larger and more diverse audience for your questions.
  20. Language Specific Forums These forums are intended for questions relating to either syntax or other language features which apply only to the language you are using. Where possible, please use either the General .NET Forum or one of the forums dedicated to specialised areas of the framework. Posting there will encourage a larger and more diverse audience for your questions.
  21. Read First These forums are intended for questions relating to either syntax or other language features which apply only to the language you are using. Where possible, please use either the General .NET Forum or one of the forums dedicated to specialised areas of the framework. Posting there will encourage a larger and more diverse audience for your questions.
  22. Redistributing the .NET Framework This howto from Microsoft lists virtually all possible scenarios involving deployment of the .net framework runtimes. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnnetdep/html/redistdeploy.asp
  23. When the warning comes up saying your installation does not include the .net framework, that doesn't mean the build has failed. If you look in the Debug or Release folder under your deployment project, you'll find your setup files. If you really want to modify your setup package to automatically install the .net framework on installation (not strictly needed) follow this url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnnetdep/html/redistdeploy.asp
  24. They want to discourage it as a user interface element I guess. The Visual Studio IDE uses an OpenFileDialog to select folders, I've noticed. It can actually make quite a good folder selection dialog, because when you turn off the display of files it becomes clear that folders are what you're selecting.
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