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Everything posted by divil

  1. The whole point of a listbox is that it has multiple items in - what are you trying to do, exactly?
  2. I believe there is an ActiveX control which can be added to a form, which can host them. Right-click on your toolbox and select Customize, then make sure you're viewing COM components. Somewhere in that list should be the shockwave viewer, which you can check and then it'll be on your toolbox.
  3. Make a function which loops through all folders in a given directory and also all files. When it encounters a folder, make it call itself with that folder as well as performing any other actions you need. I'm pretty sure there's an example in the vb.net code examples site I posted in the knowledge base.
  4. It may be the reason that I'm a dialup user that I'd rather everything were instant if possible :)
  5. What is that GetInstance stuff and why are you using it? It looks like something upgraded via the project upgrade wizard. If you want to make a new instance of a form, just use the constructor on it, not some GetInstance function which you've made.
  6. Err, you're adding the listbox's text to the listbox. Don't you have to be adding OpenFile1.FileName instead?
  7. I agree. There's no excuse for not having everything validated server-side, but I use client-side validation too, it saves users having to wait for a postback.
  8. I am a relative newbie to asp.net (I'm going to learn it over the Christmas break). When you guys say you use html rather than the web controls, do you mean you stick a runat="server" attribute on them so you can access them from codebehind, rather than using say an <asp:textbox> tag?
  9. I don't know why it wouldn't work, but bear in mind you shouldn't really be using this control under .NET. Chances are you only have it because you have Visual Studio 6 as well. If you can't get it working you could try using a textbox and validating the data entered yourself in the Validating event.
  10. Here's a quick example I knocked up, of what I think you want to do.grid.zip
  11. Can you create a small project which reproduces this behaviour, and post it here?
  12. divil


    Clean up any loaded objects and call Application.Exit if you have a message loop running.
  13. Follow the link below to download the DirectX 9 SDK, which includes managed classes for DirectX. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/downloads/list/directx.asp
  14. Since DirectX 9 has only been out a few hours I'm not really qualified to give an opinion on that :P
  15. divil


  16. You could try the StructureToPtr method of the Marshal class, if you have no control over the declare of the CopyRects method.
  17. You don't have to dive in to any such code, you can simply stick the control on your form the same as you would a .net one. You found the CodeMax Yahoo group, that's good. Get the latest one from there and start using it :) SyncFusion made a .net syntax highlighting control, but I found it too slow and unresponsive to use.
  18. There are many such controls around, including a few for .NET which are very slow. The best one (still) is an ActiveX control called CodeMax. Someone made a derivation of CodeMax called CodeSense which is also ok, as VolteFace said. Either will probably suit your needs. Oh, by the way, stay away from the SyncFusion one, it's slow as hell.
  19. Humans, by nature, have a tendancy to oppose change. When I began to see how much I'd have to re-learn, I was skeptical too, it's just natural. Everyone is different, but I like to plunge in headfirst with a big project and then be forced to learn it all as I go through. I find some people's biggest hurdles with learning .NET is trying to do things the way they would in VB6, whereas there are now developments which make it either totally different, or even totally unnecessary to write the same code.
  20. Why not try serialization of classes? You can do that with XML or binary methods, to name two. The days of opening files, loading and parsing are gone, and so are the ones of relying on structures with fixed-length members, let the framework do the work for you. I suggest XML Serialization as a great way to persist classes. It's saved me a boatload of work.
  21. :)
  22. Why? You don't actually need to set control names. For i = 1 To 10 btn = New Button() With btn AddHandler .Click, AddressOf btnClick .Text = "button 2" .Location = New Point(0, i * 30) .Size = New Size(100, 50) End With Controls.Add(btn) Next Why not do something like that?
  23. The built-in console class is somewhat limited and cannot do what you need. However, since the release of .NET a nice guy at Microsoft has written a much better implementation of the win32 console api functions, called the ConsoleEx class. It can do what you need. http://www.gotdotnet.com/userarea/keywordsrch.aspx?keyword=consoleEx Get it at the link above.
  24. DirectX 9 will (hopefully) appear next week. I suggest waiting to see what managed methods it has to work with audio.
  25. divil


    Through code, it's quite easy. I've created an IDE supporting both VB.NET and C# myself. Dim myCodeCompiler As ICodeCompiler = New VBCodeProvider().CreateCompiler You can then use the methods of ICodeCompiler to compile code from files or strings in memory. At some point in the near future I'll be writing a tutorial on this.
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