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Everything posted by divil

  1. Make a sub which takes a Node and a path as a parameter. In that sub, first enumerate the directories, creating a node for each one and recursing on that node with the directory name. Then add files too, if you need to.
  2. divil

    Need help!

    And you spelled Environment wrong. I would have told you that on irc last night, but you quit after insulting us because nobody helped you in the time you allowed us.
  3. Are you aware that the Icon class actually has a .ToBitmap() method to do this?
  4. I don't know what you mean by "defect", I can only assume you mean to say "detect" every time. There is a method of the process class that allows you to get a collection of all running processes on the system. Iterating through this should be able to tell you if your process is running or not.
  5. If we do implement a new one, we might as well just rename the CodeDom/Security one. It's never had a post, and I can't foresee it ever having one either.
  6. It seems odd that you should have to run the third-party setup manually, usually they provide a redistributable unit (such as a .ocx or .dll) that you can just bundle in to your setup. If it really is the case, then a custom action would be the way to go, I think.
  7. If it's possible, I would be very surprised. I don't know of a way.
  8. If you're using Process.Start to start the other process, you can wait for the Exited event of the Process class returned to see when it has finished executing. You'll have to set .EnableRaisingEvents to true before it will raise the event though.
  9. I believe there was a licensing issue with that control that was solved in a service pack. Since you only have that control because you have a visual studio 6 product, I suggest you download and install the latest service pack for that (5) and then ship that control with your application. Once that is registered, hopefully your licensing problem will be resolved. If it isn't, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas...
  10. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
  11. I didn't even know you did this, but I'd guess it would be by applying a DefaultValueAttribute to that member, passing Nothing.
  12. Ok. It looks like you have a reference to the ActiveX common controls, which is pointless because all the common controls have .NET replacements in the toolbox by default. You also have a reference to the Winsock control, which you shouldn't be using either. You should learn the .NET Socket or TcpClient class instead. Lastly, it appears you're using the INet control. There is no direct replacement for its FTP functionality, but there is a code snippet for how to download data from an HTTP server posted on this board somewhere.
  13. divil


    You'll have to write the code to do it manually using the FTP protocol. You can do this with the Socket class, and reading the FTP RFC (959). There are no .NET framework classes that deal with transfer to/from an FTP server.
  14. Make sure you have a project reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects.
  15. The console class that bundles with the framework can't do this, but I can point you to the following article which has a replacement console class which can do what you need. http://www.gotdotnet.com/userarea/keywordsrch.aspx?keyword=consoleEx
  16. Would you mind posting your workaround here, for future reference?
  17. I don't know how to tell the serializers to persist icons in the binary resource files, no. Try a google search for something like that. You want your class member to be serialized in the same manner as the .Icon property is for a form.
  18. You only need to include those that are checked. There's a possiblity that your app might have ones in that aren't checked in the list, in which case you'll just have to find them yourself. It might tell you under the referenced section in solution explorer. I'll say it again though, you should NOT be using those activex controls in a .NET application.
  19. Yes, you certainly can. Remember to pass it as whatever your form name is, not just Form, if you want to be able to access your custom members on it. Failing that, you could cast it whenever you needed to.
  20. Could you not make your own textbox class with this behaviour built in by inheriting from textbox?
  21. In the customize toolbox window, under COM components, it shows where the ocx is. Yes, you have to use regsvr32 to register it on the target machine.
  22. Nope, that is probably the best way of doing what you need to do. Passing a reference in the constructor is a good way of solving the problem of accessing something on one form from another.
  23. You can read the help on the DivideByZeroException class to get more information about when and when it isn't thrown. In some arithmetic rules, a divide by zero doesn't result in an exception. [mshelp=ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNQTR.2002APR.1033/cpref/html/frlrfsystemdividebyzeroexceptionclasstopic.htm]MS Help[/mshelp]
  24. I thought you knew that you have to register your controls before they'll work. If anyone else can offer any suggestions they will, you don't have to repeat yourself.
  25. The ImageList has a custom collection editor dialog, which I have no experience in developing. If you want the designers to serialize your class, you have to write a custom type convertor for it, which I showed how to do in my tutorial.
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