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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by divil

  1. By default .NET security prevents assemblies from being run from a network share. You can change this via the .NET settings pages in Administrative Options under the Control Panel.
  2. I wrote an IRC client in .NET which supported full scripting in either VB.NET or C#. Look in to the System.CodeDom and System.CodeDom.Compiler namespaces. If you are serious about developing such a capability the .NET framework offers everything you need to compile on the fly.
  3. I usually buy software from dabs.com. Before you say it, I think they take orders by phone as well as over the internet :)
  4. The correct way to do this is to do all your paintint in either the Paint event of the picturebox, or by overriding the OnPaint method in a derived class. Do NOT keep a graphics object around as you are doing. Insted, use the one passed as an argument to the event, e.Graphics.
  5. VBScript is not strongly typed, all variables are variants. Therefore you cannot Dim x As Type. I can think of no reason why you would use this control from .NET.
  6. Are these columns always the same ones? I.e., the same index columns are to be added each time? If so, you could loop through all the listviewitems in your listview 5 times, adding up a specified column index each time.
  7. The only other .NET way to show help, that I'm aware of, is using the System.Windows.Forms.Help class. It has a few methods, including ShowHelp, which has 4 overloads. One of them might be of some use to you. If not, you could always call the same APIs that MFC does.
  8. It can be done with either.
  9. Welcome Threads, good to have you aboard.
  10. You could try adding the ListViewItems themselves in to an undo stack (use the System.Collections.Stack class) when you remove them. When you undo, simply pop the item back off the stack and re-add it to the list.
  11. They are totally separate classes. Your second class has no knowledge of the first one's textbox called "address". To rectify this, you could pass the textbox to the Insert routine in the second class, or associate the second class with the first when you create it, in the constructor.
  12. I've seen one example when someone got one to be hosted in the ActiveX test container, but nobody has gotten one on to a VB6 form as far as I know. It would be a good project though, if you're feeling adventurous.
  13. Nope, you won't be getting a windows forms control on to a vb6 form.
  14. Excellent :) Perhaps I should hurry up and post my platform game engine. I just have to work out why friction stopped working when I ported it from GDI+ to DX9...
  15. I would guess so. I've never seen anyone who frequents these forums using it :) Maybe use will increase when vs.net 2003 comes out and includes designers for it.
  16. Aaah, makes sense now :)
  17. Not that I know of. For checkboxes and radiobuttons, try setting their FlatStyle property to System - that might help activeskin skin them properly.
  18. Ignore my suggestion unless you don't mind your VB6 process having no user interface - the ExecWait method supresses all windows being displayed. If this is ok, here's a sample: System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor.ExecWait("notepad.exe", New System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection()) Not a very good sample obviously since you won't be able to close notepad without using its interface (or the task manager).
  19. Can you explain what you mean, Nerseus? I've had no problem defining properties in a C# interface. public interface ITest { string Test { get; } } http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/csref/html/vclrfinterfaceproperties.asp
  20. I would never use that function in the VB runtime to start a process and wait for it to finish. Instead I'd use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start, and listen for the event raised when the process has terminated. Alternatively, the Executor class has a static method, ExecWait, which wraps that functionality for you. [mshelp]ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/cpref/html/frlrfSystemCodeDomCompilerExecutorClassExecWaitTopic.htm[/mshelp]
  21. That lack of being able to create event definitions easily in C# is kinda annoying. I know you use the property browser to do it for controls, but what about other objects you have declared in code? Yes, the next release of Visual Studio addresses this. As far as I know it doesn't have those combo box things to do it, but if you start typing a line like this: myobject.myevent += It will pop up an intellisense thing saying "press tab to finish line and create procedure" and it will write the necessary code and take you to the procedure it creates.
  22. The way that is coded, you are continuing the loop if it finds a dot and check2 is true. I guess if it finds another digit after that, it'll return true. What you probably want to do is add another clause to your tests, so if it finds a dot and check2 is true, to return false.
  23. An apartment is a logical container within a process for objects sharing the same thread access requirements. All objects in the same apartment can receive calls from any thread in the apartment. The .NET Framework does not use apartments, and managed objects are responsible for using all shared resources in a thread-safe manner themselves. Full free-threading is available in .NET. MTA and STA stand for multithreaded apartment and single-threaded apartment, respectively. There is a great deal on threads in the documentation.
  24. You will either have to do the drawing yourself in the Paint event, or stick the picture in a PictureBox control and place it where you need the image to be.
  25. No, you're looking at the solution properties. You want the project properties. Right-click on your project node, not the solution node, and click properties.
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