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Everything posted by divil

  1. You're missing the StructLayout attributes from your structures, for a start.
  2. I don't know how you're doing the database side of things, but to iterate through a listview use the following code: Dim l As ListViewItem For Each l In ListView1.Items 'Do something with l.SubItems(1).Text, the first column, here Next l
  3. Don't take his word for it ;) [mshelp]ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpguide/html/cpconusingcallbackfunctions.htm[/mshelp]
  4. You might want to check here as this guy appears to have successfully implemented printing.
  5. You can override the default contextmenu by setting the ContextMenu property to a new, blank instance of the ContextMenu class: TextBox1.ContextMenu = New ContextMenu()
  6. Post a nice descriptive post about obtaining the various downloads of DirectX 9 there and I'll make it sticky for you :) [edit] Or just reply to the sticky thread that's already there [/edit]
  7. You want the ClientSize property, if you need to set the size of the client area of the form: ClientSize = New Size(200, 200) You can also check this (ClientSize.Width etc) to get the size of the working area of the form, which can be useful sometimes.
  8. From within the code in your form called MainMenu, you should set a variable elsewhere, using the Me keyword to refer to the instance of the class from which the code is running. In the case of a main form, it's often best to declare a static ("shared" in vb) public variable in the form and set that in the form's constructor, since there will only be one instance. Other forms can then use this shared reference to get the instance of the main form from anywhere.
  9. When you set positions of controls, you are _always_ referring to the bounds within the parent. If you set the .Left property of a Label within a Groupbox, then that coordinate will be relative to the left-hand side of the groupbox.
  10. Hehe... I should get myself a laptop. If I could play SimCity in the bath I would probably never get out!
  11. Go to project properties, and change the output type to Class Library. You can then reference the DLL compiled from other projects.
  12. Wow.. that is truly the holy grail of a networked house ;) I was thinking of upgrading my internet, it seems too slow and buggy. Anyone know what the latest version is?
  13. Nothing, that fixed it. It looks like you downloaded the correct thing to me, so I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. Actually, maybe you could look for the files manually - what do you have in the \windows\microsoft.net\ folder? There should be a directx one in there.
  14. Use NDoc. Not sure if it supports VB.NET, but C# should be fine. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndoc/
  15. You won't get a messagebox showing rich text. That is what a Rich Textbox is for.
  16. Did you by any chance download the VB.NET only version of the SDK? I did this to start off with, and had all sorts of problems, including that one. I think you also have to download the developer runtime or something like that, but I just gave up and downloaded the entire SDK.
  17. There is a good flexgrid control for .NET available at http://www.componentone.com
  18. It sounds to me like you should be writing what you receive to the file every time you receive it, as the receive buffer will only hold what it is dimensioned as. It is best to write continuously like this, otherwise you can end up holding more data than you need to in memory.
  19. Unfortunately the answer to both your questions is no, not with the standard listview. However, I have seen articles and code examples online that manage to do one or both of these things, through a bit of hacking and owner drawing. Your best bet is to search for something like that.
  20. That's right, there is no flexgrid packaged with VS.NET.
  21. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. You said you are using the MainWindowTitle property, what is the problem? You want to get the titles of all windows owned by the process in question?
  22. Are you sure you're not thinking of the ListView control?
  23. You need the MainModule property of the Process class, then the FileName property of that. Bear in mind that you'll have to check if MainModule is null (Nothing in VB.NET) because some processes don't have main modules.
  24. Sorry, I don't, I've never actually read any of them.
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