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Everything posted by divil

  1. If you opened your help file, you would find that the C# float type maps to the Single type in the framework. You can use Single.Parse to convert a string to a Single, and use the ToString method on a Single instance to convert it to a string.
  2. I guess I learned it somewhere... I knew that things like that are in the Environment or Application classes a lot, and usually let intellisense and the documentation guide me from there. Helping others with problems is a good way of learning too.
  3. Whoops, don't know where that went... I've restored it.
  4. It's possible, but unlikely. I have no idea why you have a dependancy on the scripting runtime, you should certainly not be using it in a .NET application. I'm surprised that the mscomm.ocx file was detected at all by your setup and deployment project - I've never had it find ActiveX controls properly. Still, if it is, well done you :) Select the file, and in the propertygrid, look at the Register property. I think this should be on COMSelfRegister for ActiveX controls.
  5. You can make help files using the HTML Help workshop application which is packaged with VS.NET, and installed in to Program Files by default I think. To integrate context-sensitive help in to your application once you've developed the help file, you can use the HelpProvided component from the toolbox. To just show your help file manually, you can use the Help class located in System.Windows.Forms.
  6. If Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32Windows Then 'They're on 98 or ME End If You could use this at any time to disable that menu option.
  7. Use the FileInfo class. It accepts the full path to a file as its constructor, then you can use the Length property to get the size of the file in bytes. Divide this by 1024 and you have it in kilobytes.
  8. He's using integrated windows authentication, not SQL Server authentication.
  9. Only Experts, Gurus and above can post there. If you post something in Random Thoughts I'll move it for you though.
  10. Well the DLL you compiled using VS.NET 2003 uses a newer version of the framework, so that isn't surprising. I have it on good authority that VS.NET 2003 can compile solutions to be version-compatible with VS.NET 2002. In the build configuration, you can select which .NET platform to build for. Hopefully that'll solve your problem. You can also add the following line to your app.config. <supportedRuntime version="v1.0.3705"/>
  11. divil


    http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/dotnetftp.asp CodeProject is always a good resource.
  12. Spelling balloon correctly might have helped. :P
  13. I haven't used it, so I can't say. Perhaps someone else will have.
  14. divil


    If you're making your own component, use the TcpClient or Socket classes. I wrote my own ftp component using the Socket class. You can get around having to listen on a port by using passive mode for file transfers. You'll have to do a lot of reading up the Socket class and the FTP RFC (#959 if memory serves). Failing that, find a ready-made FTP component for .NET, there are plenty out there.
  15. Why don't you investigate them and find out? There's plenty of documentation on all these classes.
  16. What about the project file? If all was the same except the Solution file itself that would be ok by me.
  17. When in doubt, hit F1.
  18. Running the application shouldn't be a problem, mscomm shouldn't require licensing except at design time. Are you sure it's not that you haven't distributed the ocx and registered it properly? That would be the most likely cause.
  19. Check out the OverwritePrompt property of the SaveFileDialog class.
  20. The Masked Edit control is not a .NET component. You can't inherit from it.
  21. I suspect the closest you'd get is catching the ItemCheck event and cancelling it somehow.
  22. divil


    The autorun application I use is written in C, not a .NET language.
  23. Something like this, maybe? Private Sub ToolBar1_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs) Handles ToolBar1.ButtonClick If e.Button Is ToolBarButton1 Then ContextMenu1.Show(Me, PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position)) End Sub Obviously substituting the name of your button for ToolBarButton1.
  24. divil


    The only commercial software I deploy using .NET has an autorun menu on the cd (like most do) with two options, the first being to install the framework and the second being to install the software. There is instruction on what this means both on the autorun menu and in a readme file on the cd.
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