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Everything posted by divil

  1. You can just use Me.Invalidate() And any code in the Paint event will be called.
  2. You need to tell the compiler that you're referencing the System.dll and System.Data.dll assemblies: C:\>vbc /target:library component1.vb /reference:System.dll /reference:System.Data.dll
  3. It looks to me like you're never instantiating myGraphics.
  4. Yes, almost certainly. GDI+ is not (yet) hardware accelerated, so CPU will make a big difference.
  5. You need to use the ToolboxBitmapAttribute class. Here's a section of the Windows Forms FAQ that gives you a couple of scenarios: http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/WinForms/FAQ_c41c.asp?print=607
  6. It might only be showing up because you're in the project that contains the usercontrol. Have you tried compiling your control library and adding the compiled class to the toolbox from another app? That ToolboxItem(False) has worked for me before.
  7. Can you post the exact error text, including the line it occurs on, please?
  8. I would guess that in VB6 that measurement was in Twips. Thankfully, Twips have gone the way of the dodo in .net (although if you look hard enough you can find references in the vb.net runtime).
  9. This is a limitation of value types. You can get around it like this: Dim d As typedc = DirectCast(Me.ActiveMdiChild, Form2).DC 'Now you can access d.Edytowalny Note that as a value type, any changes you make to d won't affect the DC property on Form2. You'd have to change d and then assign it back to make another copy.
  10. The best way I've found to deal with this is to use the GetNodeAt method in the MouseDown event and set the SelectedNode to that node.
  11. Apply a ToolboxItem(False) attribute to it.
  12. Have you tried using Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetDataPresent()? I think that's probably what you're looking for.
  13. Declare it as Friend (vb) or internal (c#).
  14. What do you mean, the colours aren't the original? The image should be preserved fine, exactly as you set it. That's always been the behaviour I've experienced.
  15. This line: Imports System.ComponentModel.Component Should not be there.
  16. I agree, I'd definitely do it through a server. There are all kinds of problems associated with peer-to-peer IM programs, not least of which are firewall issues. And what happens when you want to invite more people to the chat?
  17. Under XP it's display properties -> appearance -> advanced -> select scrollbar -> change width Under pre-xp I believe it's still under the appearance tab.
  18. If you have the framework installed, you have those files. You probably just need to add the directory to your path. Mine are located at: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705
  19. Sorry, I don't know how to completely get rid of it. I just tried changing scrollbar widths to 30 pixels on a system-wide level through display properties, and they now all have really big buttons. Just a thought.
  20. The scrollbar width should be in keeping with the settings in the system metrics, accessible from display settings. Surely it would make sense to have all scrollbars on the system very wide, if it's going to be operated via touch screen?
  21. No, I don't think that's possible. You might have to implement a system of panels and change their visibility instead.
  22. Yes, you can. The property type is irrelevant, you apply an EditorAttribute class to indicate the UITypeEditor the PropertyGrid should use when to edit that particular property. You can either write your own UITypeEditor or use one of the ones lying around in the framework.
  23. DirectCast is used to cast from one class to a sub or superclass of that type. The Convert class is used to convert one type to another, for example "3.141" to 3.141. The CType function is a VB helper designed to decide which one to use. I avoid it as it isn't available in any other language.
  24. Yes, in the deployment project properties (that come up in the propertygrid when you select it) change the version to the new version number of your product, and say yes when it asks you if you want it to automatically change some keys. The installer will then automatically remove the previous version of your program when installing.
  25. What's wrong with the help file? Going to the page on the Cursor class tells you what namespace it's in and even what assembly it's in.
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