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Everything posted by divil

  1. You can also use the StackTrace property of the exception you catch.
  2. I don't know of any products that can render like those yet, I'm sure they'll surface before long though. I think DotNetBar by DevComponents will support them in the next release. For £50/hr, I'll write you some ;)
  3. You're probably right. If I remember I'll dig up the sample and re-post it in this thread this evening. If I forget, feel free to PM me :) I'm also splitting this thread off from the old one on getting font families.
  4. divil


    That's what I mean - the hacker would not be able to get in to the chatroom because they wouldn't have been given the access code by the main server.
  5. I wrote a sample that ownerdraws a listbox to show fonts here: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48881&highlight=font+listbox And the thread is only a few days younger that this one that you dug up, and by the same person! :P
  6. Or alternatively: TextBox1.SelectAll() TextBox1.Copy()
  7. Check out this excellent control: http://www.itwriting.com/htmleditor/index.php
  8. What makes you think you can? You can't just trigger delegates that belong to something else like that.
  9. divil


    The way Messenger does it is to establish a random "password" for each chatroom created, even those with just two people. When the notification is sent to a client that a chatroom has been established and a message is about to be sent, the password is sent along with it. The client can then connect to the chat server and give their password.
  10. The point is, you don't *have* to do all that work - you can convert a string to a byte array with what VolteFace showed you.
  11. Then you have a lot of work ahead of you :)
  12. You have to find an assembly where that interface is defined, and unfortunately there isn't a public one in the framework. Interopping with MSHTML like this is not easy, and you end up having to define a lot of interfaces yourself with their GUIDs. If you just want your application to respond to HTML events, search this forum for "html events".
  13. Use something like this: ' Bold toggle If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Bold Then RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font(RichTextBox1.SelectionFont, RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Bold) Else RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font(RichTextBox1.SelectionFont, RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Style Or FontStyle.Bold) End If ' Italic toggle If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Italic Then RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font(RichTextBox1.SelectionFont, RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Italic) Else RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font(RichTextBox1.SelectionFont, RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Style Or FontStyle.Italic) End If
  14. What is your program trying to do? There may be a much simpler .NET way of achieving your goal.
  15. You will have to cast the MdiParent property to the actual type of your form, which will enable you to access its members (such as the toolbar). DirectCast(Me.MdiParent, Form1).Toolbar.Blah
  16. I often (when using C#) differentiate between private member variables and the public properties that reflect them by the casing of the first letter. I'll use camel case for the private member variable.
  17. Check out the mouse_event API.
  18. The only way you could get started with this is if you're compiling from a file on disk (you may well be, I don't know) and then loading the assembly dynamically from the compiled version (also on disk). That way, the debugging symbols will be present and point to a valid source file. That ought to be enough for the debugger you're running under to catch the exception and find source code for it.
  19. It *does* work just like an interface in that scenario. As I said before, you don't have to cast it to run an overridden method on the base class.
  20. In what respect? If you have a variable declared as a base class then you absolutely should have to cast it if in one circumstance you know it's going to be an instance of a subclass instead. If it were going to be a subclass all the time, presumably it would be declared that way. You can certainly manipulate a variable if it's declared as a base class just as flexibly as if it were declared as the subclass, only of course you won't have access to the subclass-specific members. If you call a method on it which has been overridden, the overriding method still gets called. Maybe I misunderstood your argument?
  21. If you're showing the form, and using Thread.Sleep to wait, then hiding the form again it will never get a chance to paint itself. Try calling Application.DoEvents() just before you make it sleep.
  22. Are you giving it a chance to paint itself? How is it displaying at the moment?
  23. IsNumeric is part of the VB runtime library and does exactly the same as Volte's function above.
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