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Everything posted by divil

  1. It's equally bad in .NET.
  2. There is NO reason for using that ActiveX control in .NET applications. All the Windows Common Controls that are in that ocx are wrapped by proper Windows Forms Controls available in your toolbox.
  3. That does seem a bit overkill for a censor.
  4. Read the docs and Google for samples online :)
  5. You should not be including any DLLs that are in the .NET framework (i.e., those in c:\windows\microsoft.net\etc). Instead, you need to make sure the .NET framework itself is installed on your users system, by including dotnetfx.exe in your distribution and making sure it is run before installing your app.
  6. Did you download the VB.NET only SDK? I did that first off, and had the same problem. I ended up having to download the full version before it would work.
  7. If you mean you want to change the selected tab from code, just do something like this: TabControl1.SelectedTag = TabPage1
  8. Tlbimp.exe is part of the Framework SDK, there might have been an error while installing it.
  9. You might want to check out the HttpWebRequest and WebClient classes.
  10. I haven't a clue what could cause this, unless somehow in the build settings for the project optimizations have been turned off in the release configuration and on in the debug configuration...
  11. I would use the LoadFrom method of the Assembly class (in the Reflection namespace) and then use its CreateInstance method.
  12. You could develop your programs in VS.NET 2002 and compile them using the .NET 1.1 command-line compilers.
  13. I think he wanted to change the colours of each SUBitem individually...
  14. It's worth mentioning that if this is the old VB6 Winsock control you're talking about, you really shouldn't be using it in .NET - That's what the Socket and TcpClient classes are for.
  15. Yes, there is JScript.NET, its compiler is bundled with the framework alongside C# and VB although personally I haven't used it beyond looking at examples for it. The documentation does not have many examples for using JScript.NET, and I'm not even sure whether or not it is flexible enough to make, say, a Windows Forms application. But it may well be flexible enough to write ASP.NET with. As far as I know, none of the regulars on this forum uses it. If you are used to programming with JScript, it may well be the case that your skills would best be transferred to C#.
  16. Buying more ram was probably not necessary. It's not my job to defend Microsoft or explain to you how the garbage collector works, but I will say that it is only hungry for memory if memory is available. If you're running short, the program will run just fine and use less ram. Search the internet and you'll find lots of information regarding the myth that .net needs loads of memory, and also on how the garbage collector works, which will hopefully inform you why calling GC.Collect() will not necessarily collect every object in limbo right away.
  17. If you open the User's File System dialog, you can create a shortcut in the folder that represents the user's Desktop.
  18. You can't focus a control unless it's visible. Try, in the form's Load event, first showing the form (Me.Show()) and then setting the focus after that.
  19. Oh, I see what you mean now. No, you can't use the designer to design a control that inherits from an abstract class.
  20. I have had no problems doing this in the designer. I just tried deriving two controls from my own class which inherits from UserControl, and I can create both of them in the designer just fine. It shouldn't be trying to create an instance of the base class, it should be trying to create an instance of one of your derived ones. Do your derived classes have a parameterless constructor the designers can call?
  21. What error do you get, and at exactly what point is it thrown? When you try to create your controls on the form?
  22. Then they can't be doing the same things you are in your app. If you doubt some of your code is being as memory-friendly as possible, post it here and I'll let you know.
  23. You want ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection, not just SelectedObjectCollection.
  24. Are they .NET apps?
  25. Since he's using C#, he'll have to select the listbox in the designer, switch to the Events tab in the propertygrid and doubleclick the event he needs to generate the wireup and handling code.
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