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Everything posted by divil

  1. No. The closest you'll get is the Shadows modifier.
  2. Or you can also use the overload which takes two arguments, the exe to run and the arguments to pass: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe", "myfile.ext");
  3. Use the code you had before: if (c is TextBox) ((TextBox)c).Clear(); But in order to loop through all controls on a form you have to recurse on the Controls collection of the Form, then the Controls collection of every control you find from then on.
  4. Here's a sample I wrote a long time ago for drawing line numbers next to a richtextbox. It doesn't use a listbox but it ought to get you started.richtextlinenumbers.zip
  5. And if he was using LOGO, he could use a series of movement and pen commands to get the turtle to draw the string on a piece of paper! This is a .NET forum, LiquidEnforcer ;)
  6. quwiltw already showed you the Process class - was there something specific that that class doesn't have?
  7. The standard toolbar icons are shipped with VS, in the VS\Common7\Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_W95 and other similar directories.
  8. Add Imports System.IO To the top of that code module.
  9. Data on a DC isn't strictly saved anywhere, it's often just drawn straight on to screen memory when needed. If bltting from the DC didn't work I don't know what to suggest.
  10. Yes, there's nothing to stop you doing this.
  11. From your main form: Dim f As New Form2() f.MdiParent = Me f.Show() That ought to do what you need.
  12. If you mean what I think you mean, I have a control posted that can help you with this. http://www.divil.co.uk/net/controls/dotnetwidgets/
  13. You should use the Form's Invoke method to marshal to the correct (UI) thread before running code that updates any controls. The only thread safe call on a control that isn't for invoking delegates is Invalidate(). The correct prodecure for doing this is to first check the control's InvokeRequired property. If this returns true, use the control's Invoke method to run your procedure, if it returns false just run the procedure normally.
  14. Yes, don't convert. The automatic conversion wizard is a menace, it produces flaky code that is never the correct .NET way of doing things. I don't think VB.NET standard edition has the conversion wizard anyway.
  15. You'll have to declare frm outside the scope of that method. That way you'll be referring to the same instance of the form.
  16. COM components don't have constructors. You'd be best off making your own Initialize method or something on the control.
  17. There is an [m s h e l p] tag which does something similar given the complete url of a local help page from the vs.net or framework sdk documentation. Derek kindly made it for us, so perhaps he could clarify exactly how it works.
  18. It isn't. You're one of the few people I've heard of that actually used that project type in VB6. I don't even know enough about it to be able to say what the closest thing to it is in VS.NET.
  19. Have you verified that debugging symbols are turned on in the solution configuration you're using to build it? Have you tried sticking a Stop keyword in the source (VB) to see if that forces it to break?
  20. You would use the Bitmap class to load them from disk in to memory, then create another bitmap passing the old bitmap and the new size to the constructor. You can then use the bitmap's Save method. To automate this for, say, a whole directory of images, you'd use System.IO.Directory.GetFiles to get all the files ending in bmp in to a string array and loop through it.
  21. If you think about it, inserting bytes like that would mean physically moving the rest of the file (could be hundreds of megs) up by that number of bytes. You just can't do things like that.
  22. There is a fledgrid component available at http://www.componentone.com, I've heard good things about it.
  23. That api looks simple enough - you should be able to copy the declares word for word, except remembering to change the Longs to Integers.
  24. Why don't you just not even load the MDI child unless ShowDialog returns ok?
  25. Probably because it thinks it is part of your program. You need to mark it as "shared" or "system" depending on what installer you use, so that the uninstaller leaves it in place.
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