Double-buffering for flicker-free graphics is built in to the .NET framework. All you have to do it call SetStyle to enable the DoubleBuffer and AllPaintingInWmPaint styles for your control, and perform all your drawing in the Paint event, using the Graphics instance supplied. No offscreen bitmap is required, this is taken care of.
You should have both frameworks installed. Large amounts of Visual Studio 2002 are written with version 1.0 of the framework and it needs it installed.
I don't think that is anywhere near what they should be paying you, personally.
At that level of wage I could expect frequent raises of not less than £1000 as you show to them how good you are and work your way out of that area at the beginning of your first programming job.
I think you're misunderstanding here. That class doesn't provide a way to get or set the system ip address - it's just how you specify what ip address to connect to when setting up a socket connection.
This question came up on the Windows Forms Forums, and I don't think it's possible. You can manipulate the VS.NET toolbox from within a designer but not from an external program.
Which class and example did you find this with?
At the bottom of any class info topic in MSDN it gives you the namespace it's in. It also has a "Send comments on this topic" link so feel free to make your feelings known to Microsoft :)
The IPEndPoint class represents a combination of an IP address and port. You use it to specify those when connecting to something. How is it you want to use it?
Hmm, that's weird. If the Closing event is fired before the Shutdown event, I don't know what to tell you.
Come to think of it, try checking Environment.HasShutdownStarted in your Closing event, perhaps that'll do it.
That's one way to do it; a tidier method might be to use the form class itself instead of a module and declare a static (shared) variable on it to hold the instance.
That works fine for me - I take it you've enabled the DoubleBuffer and AllPaintingInWmPaint styles for the form/control? Remember you don't have to do anything yourself to get double buffering to work, once you've set those two styles .NET does the rest.
As a side note, that code is nasty - it doesn't clean up any of the resources it uses.
Weird... I actually get a NullReferenceException from somewhere in the framework when I maximize them after I've already looked at the Windows menu. I'm guessing this is a bug you should submit to Microsoft.
There's a reason why that FAQ is permanently posted at the top of this forum ;)
You can listen for the SystemEvents.SessionEnding event to tell when the user is trying to log off or shutdown the system.
I would consult the documentation. For the Form class it says the Close method disposes it too, and the SqlConnection hints that it does but doesn't say so explicitly.