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Everything posted by divil

  1. With the Socket class. You'll have to find documentation on their protocol, and from what I've heard AOL do not look favourably on non-AIM clients connecting to their service (Trillian for example).
  2. Can you not just trap the event for when your form loses the focus and hide it? You might be able to do something with IUIService - the IDE implements this and it's there for the purpose of designers displaying popups and such like.
  3. No, it's for controls. It creates forms to host them on the fly.
  4. VB doesn't support XML documentation like that yet, but it should do in a future version.
  5. One of the StreamReader constructor parameters takes a parameter of System.Text.Encoding, maybe that would help.
  6. You cannot ownerdraw a context menu displayed on a system tray icon.
  7. Try using the IHTMLDocumentxxx interface instead, whatever version of IE is on a machine it's guaranteed to be implementing at least some of them.
  8. Case (Keys.Alt Or Keys.S) Is the direct equivalent
  9. You could manually ownerdraw the menus I suppose. Really though, that's the way menus are supposed to behave in modern Windows incarnations.
  10. This is because your message loop is based around the first form only. The cheap fix is to simply hide the first form instead of closing it. The better way is to change to a startup Sub Main instead of a form. In that sub, show your first form and then run Application.Run(), which will start your message loop running. It will then be up to you to indicate when you are ready for your application to close by calling Application.Exit() manually.
  11. Or a control with less bugs and in-place designing at http://www.divil.co.uk/net :)
  12. Ouch, I've never heard of it taking that long. You should check it on a few machines with different specifications, and if it still manifests itself drop a bug report to Microsoft about it.
  13. Nothing is passed to that event; You have to look at the ActiveMdiChild property to see which one has become active. This could be null - the event is raised when the last child has been closed. If you want to see which one was the last one activated, you'll have to keep track of that yourself.
  14. You can use standard MDI forms in .NET applications - you just set IsMdiContainer to true on your parent form, then assign children by setting their MdiParent property. Alternatively (shameless plug) you can use my documentmanager control :)
  15. If you just put an ordinary button on the form, the button won't make the form close itself.
  16. You just have to add an assembly reference to that file. You do this with the /r flag on the command line: csc myclass.cs /r:c:\path\mylib.dll
  17. Use TypeDescriptor.GetProperties, and go from there.
  18. Buy a programming book, and read it.
  19. Yes, there is a GDI FloodFill method.
  20. File -> Open -> File... (Select Icon File Here)
  21. Yes, do that, but also in the finally block, do a check for a null reference as follows: If Not fsInput Is Nothing Then fsInput.Close()
  22. Unfortunately there is no wrapper for the common controls animate component. If you're confident about writing controls it wouldn't take long to write the wrapper, otherwise, you could take a look and see if anyone else has written one. As a last resort, you could try the common controls-2 or 3 activex controls.
  23. Read up on timers in MSDN. There are three types of timer in the framework, you want the Windows Forms one in this case.
  24. There's a HideSelection property.
  25. Bitmap myBitmap = null; MdiClient client = null; private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { myBitmap = new Bitmap(@"c:\windows\coffee Bean.bmp"); SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); foreach(Control c in Controls) { if (c is MdiClient) { client = (MdiClient)c; break; } } if (client != null) client.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(PaintMdiClient); } private void PaintMdiClient(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(myBitmap, client.Bounds); }
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