Read Microsoft's site for what you can and cannot upgrade from.
As far as I know, "Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Professional Edition 2003 Upgrade" can upgrade Visual Studio 6.0.
That isn't a Sub Main, that's a module called Sub_Main. Set your startup object to Sub Main, and then create yourself a new class that looks something like this:
Friend Class MainClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
'Insert the code I gave you earlier
End Sub
End Class
Instead of creating a new StringFormat to work with, start off with StringFormat.GenericTypographic and work from there:
StringFormat sf = StringFormat.GenericTypographic; //new StringFormat();
sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
sf.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
Don't ask me why this happens, because I don't know! But I've seen the problem before and happened to know this was the fix for it.
Create yourself a Sub Main, and run two separate message loops, one for the lifetime of your splash form (which should have a timer on to Close itself) and then one for your main application.
Dim splash As New frmSplash()
Dim mainForm As New frmMain()
The stream is just a bunch of data in one of the formats the framework knows about - i.e., it will have its header (be it BMP, JPH, GIF, whatever) which contains data on the dimensions of the image.
A slightly better way (not to mention faster) would be to read larger chunks than one byte at a time. You can get the length of the file in memory via the Length property of the stream. You'll see a big performance increase.
Alternatively, if possible, you can simply override the property (calling back to the base when required) and give it a Browsable(false) attribute in your derived version.
The array property as a whole is read/write, so you'd have to do something like this:
string[] myarray = myRTB.Lines;
myarray[0] = "blah";
myRTB.Lines = myarray;