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Everything posted by divil

  1. Read Microsoft's site for what you can and cannot upgrade from. As far as I know, "Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Professional Edition 2003 Upgrade" can upgrade Visual Studio 6.0.
  2. Are you disposing of the splash form property? In the timer event, it might be worth disabling the timer before calling Me.Close() and me.Dispose()
  3. This has been discussed (at length) before, in this forum.
  4. That isn't a Sub Main, that's a module called Sub_Main. Set your startup object to Sub Main, and then create yourself a new class that looks something like this: Friend Class MainClass Public Shared Sub Main() 'Insert the code I gave you earlier End Sub End Class
  5. Instead of creating a new StringFormat to work with, start off with StringFormat.GenericTypographic and work from there: StringFormat sf = StringFormat.GenericTypographic; //new StringFormat(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; sf.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; Don't ask me why this happens, because I don't know! But I've seen the problem before and happened to know this was the fix for it.
  6. It means there's no frmView defined in your project (or there is, but it's in a namespace that isn't imported).
  7. Create yourself a Sub Main, and run two separate message loops, one for the lifetime of your splash form (which should have a timer on to Close itself) and then one for your main application. Dim splash As New frmSplash() Application.Run(splash) Dim mainForm As New frmMain() Application.Run(mainForm)
  8. I use Visual Studio to edit HTML (and no, not in WYSIWYG mode).
  9. Does the System.Windows.Forms.Help class not do what you need?
  10. http://www.spriteworks.com I got loads of excellent sprites from that library.
  11. What type of bitmap data is this?
  12. Active Desktop just hosts Internet Explorer instead of a listview in the background.
  13. None of them come with DX9, which is what you should be using if you're using .NET.
  14. Real men don't need word wrap.
  15. The stream is just a bunch of data in one of the formats the framework knows about - i.e., it will have its header (be it BMP, JPH, GIF, whatever) which contains data on the dimensions of the image.
  16. A slightly better way (not to mention faster) would be to read larger chunks than one byte at a time. You can get the length of the file in memory via the Length property of the stream. You'll see a big performance increase.
  17. No. You'll have to retain whatever instance you already created somewhere.
  18. Far from impossible, you just have to set the form's TopLevel property to false first. Then you can add it (as a control) to any other control.
  19. It sounds to me like using ASP.NET (with VB or C#, it's your choice) would be ideal for such games.
  20. Alternatively, if possible, you can simply override the property (calling back to the base when required) and give it a Browsable(false) attribute in your derived version.
  21. It shows line numbers, but you can only use it when you don't have word wrap turned on (is this obvious to anyone else?)
  22. You can stop properties showing in the property grid by using a Browsable(false) attribute on them. You can't dynamically show and hide properties.
  23. Does anyone else find that completely hideous? I get quite a few requests to make my controls implement that style, but damn...
  24. The array property as a whole is read/write, so you'd have to do something like this: string[] myarray = myRTB.Lines; myarray[0] = "blah"; myRTB.Lines = myarray;
  25. Whether they like it or not, they're going to have to update eventually :)
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