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  1. I have question on if changing any of these GUI elements about the window's form's tabcontrol is possible without resorting to making my own control with GDI calls. 1. I would like the test of tabs alligned to the left to read horizontally, not vertically. 2. I would like space in between the various tabs, such that you can see the form underneath, not butted up against each other as is default. 3. If #2 is not possible, I would like to add graphics to the tabs themselves. Thanks in advance, Spektre
  2. Thanks for the insights. Seperate keys will not work, as the players need access to the full alphabet. No idea how to do low level keyboard hooks. Two networked PCs would work, but what a waste... Thanks again.
  3. Hello, How woudl you go about accessing two keybaords in the same application? Say a head to head game. Two monitors is trivial to support thru the OS. How would you access two keyboards though? Direct HID calls? Can anyone point me to an example? Spektre
  4. Hello. I downloaded an open source project which was nice enough to include a vc++.net solution file. It compiled nicely into a .lib file. How do I go about using this library now from my VB.net application? Thank you, Spektre
  5. I am in need of interprocess communications as well. These must be bidirectional and occur based on user interaction from either end (thus not fitting a client/server implementation so well). Is the best way to do this to set up a client and a server in each apliaction and make them essential one way communications? Any examples of using sockets to do bi-direction user-initiated information. For lack of a better example... 2 IM clients that want to talk to one another without the use of a server. Spektre
  6. Yeah, as I said, make a table of them at runtime....Indirect.
  7. I was thinking of something similar with building up a "Print Preview", but neither of these preserves the functionality of the form in the "zoomed" view. Spektre
  8. Hello, If I were to make an "application" in Excel, I have the capability via a dropdown combobox in the toolbar to "zoom" in or out on the form. This effectively maintains all functionality on the form, just repainting it larger or smaller. (All buttons, textboxes, etc, etc get resized). Is there a way to do this easily on a form, or is there another container that will accept all the standard controls and allow for the contents of it to be zoomed? Thanks, Spektre
  9. I am wondering the same thing. It doesn't appear possible in .NET except save for a backwards looping through all the controls to get to the one you want. Spektre
  10. Hmm, it still seems to be going at it backwards. I would like, given the name of a control, to operate on the control with that name. Every method I have found, or has been provided here, works backward at this by testing each and every control to see if it has that name and then you can act on it once found. It seems fairly inefficient if you have a large number of controls to do this for (as woudl be the case if you want Control Array fucntionality). Is there any more direct way? Thanks again, Spektre EDIT-- Well knowing better keywords to search on from the answers given here has enabled me to see I am not alone. This question has come up over and over again in many forms on this and other .Net help forums. It seems that you simply cannot do it in .Net. To anyone finding this at thread first, you may stop looking for a direct method. It appears not to exist. You must take the performance hit and either loop through the controls or if the controls are known at runtime, make a table of them in code. Spektre
  11. Thought of this but... Hi, Yes, I thought of doing that however this type of code will be used in many places in my app, and the number of "buttons" and corresponding "textboxes" are dozens. Makes for very long If then blocks. So, I was hoping for a more algortihm based approach where I can build up the control's name in a string and access it that way. Thanks.
  12. Close...but in VB? Yes, this is basically the idea. The part I don't know how to do however is the VB syntax for TextBox MyBox = (textbox)C;
  13. Yes, that is correct. I want to have one event handler for all the buttons, but then only to update the corresponding text box. But the main thing I am looking for is given that you have the name of a control in a string, how can you use that to update the control's properties. i.e. Dim ControlName As String ControlName = "TextBox1" ' TextBox1 is a control on the form ControlName.Text = "Hello" ' Obviously does not work. Thanks.
  14. Hello, Intro: As I am missing my old Control Array functionality (its just not as good in .Net in my opinion) I am trying to find a workaround. I have seen the MS suggested way of creating "control arrays" at run time and I prefer the old design time way. Question: Is there a way to change a control's property given that you have the control's name in a string variable? For example, through other methods in my function I can find the "Index" calling my event handler for the array. Let's say I have 3 buttons cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 and 3 textboxes text1, text2 and text3. I want the textbox to read "Hello" when its correspnding button is clicked. By parsing the last digit of sender.name in a event handler for the buttons I can get my "index". Let's say, button 3 is pressed. I parse sender.name, and get "3". I can then easily set a string to "textbox" & "3". So now I have a string with a value of "textbox3". How can I take that and set textbox3.Text = "Hello"? Thanks. Spektre
  15. what helped? OK, I am running into this problem as well and I did not understand the suggestions. I am developing a Webform to access an MS ACCESS database. I get the "another user has opened exclusively or you do not have permission" error webpage. 1. Can you really not use the connection string attached to an object? Must you copy it into your code? Seems strange. 2. How do I give permissions to user ASPNET? Going into the database and adding a user named "ASPNET" and giving them all the permissions didn't do anything. Thanks, Spektre
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