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  1. Do you mean send it by calling the LPR command from the application or is there a way of writing an LPR function within the application. PB
  2. I am looking for some code to make a rich text entering area similar to the one on these forums. I only want to include bold and italic text but to save it out as html formatted text. Any ideas PB
  3. I dont know if this is the write topic to be posting under but I need to write a c# app that does basically what the LPR command does. We run large laser printers and can LPR postscript data direct to the print queues and I have an application that needs to send it direct (as its security based and needs no intervention). Does anyone have any ideas? PB
  4. Thanks for the reply, Its really strange but I never thought about inheritance in a web form although I probably code stuff like it everyday for a living in my normal programs. Cheers PB
  5. How about something like public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form { private System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu mainMenu1; private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItem1; etc etc... public void DoSomething (string something) { ..... } public void CreateBlobs () { BLOB b = new BLOB(ref this); } } public class BLOB { private Form1 useform; public BLOB (ref Form1 form) { useform = form; } public void DosomethingtoForm () { useform.DoSomthing("Hello from BLOB"); } }
  6. This may not be the best solution but you could pass the form class by ref in the constructor of blob and assign it to a global variable. This way whatever you do to the global variable will happen to the form. PB
  7. Could it really be that simple. I dont know if other people suffer this but I find that I try to use all the new content that asp.net offers rather than the stuff I can easily write like javascript and standard asp. The overlap is the bit that gets me and I think that I should be writing totally new code rather than stuff that I would normally write. A typical example of this is trying to use the .net drag and drop components for page layout when I can easily write the html code instead. PB
  8. Sorry about the dumbness of this question. I am doing my first asp.net application and want to do something similar to my current asp web sites which is design a template and use this for every page. I would normally just code an include file so that I can change all pages by changing just the one file but I cant see how this works in asp.net. Basically I am changing my current site http://www.cellmedia.co.uk which only has content changed on the right hand side of the page and the header and content index stay the same through out the site. Could someone just point me in the right direction please. PB
  9. Thanks Techman, Your code kinda worked for what I wanted. I just had to write some functionality to remember which button was last checked and prompt for the dialog box dependant on that. I had thought of your idea but thought it may not be the correct way to do it as I was convinced that the event cancelling was the way forward. Cheers PB
  10. Thanks tech - your code is pretty much as I have it but what if you press cancel it still actions the event i.e. if you are activating the radio button it will still be set to true if you press cancel or ok.
  11. It kind of worked except that it calls the validating event when leaving the form so I have to answer my question twice. Does anyone have another option. PB
  12. Hi, This is probably really really easy, but I have hit a brick wall. I want to be able to cancel the change event of a radio button unless the user accepts a message box. Adding the message box to either the click event or the changed event is easy but how do I stop it either from happening if the user clicks cancel? Thanx PB
  13. I think if I was set on the idea of creating pdf's then I would go with a third party component to create your document direct. There are alternatives which may suit you, like creating your documents using crystal or GDI and printing to the acrobat pdf printer. Either way you have to use a third party or try and work through the pdf manual. I did read that adobe will supply you with components to create pdfs but you will have to sign up to their license agreement and it could cost you more than just buying acrobat. Best of luck though.
  14. PDF uses compression - which is not necessary but is why the files are a lot smaller. Also you can write functions within postscript whereas pdf you cant (i think). Its easy to write postscript and create pdfs from it using acrobat distiller and as I work with large laser printers that take postscript as a print file then its an easy to print and archive using the two formats. What are you creating pdfs for? Is it just for easy viewing of your own documents?
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