Yes, I think technology is making imbeciles out of many of the current generation. True story. I hope you find this as amusing as it is sad. On the way home from work recently, I called and ordered pizza from a place near my house. I pulled through the drive thru window and a teenage girl opened it, asked my name, and then told me the total was $13.75. I handed her a 20. Now, my 10 year old could have made that change in his head, without pause, and without even really thinking about it. She took the 20, walked over to the cash register, and opened it. She stood there a minute in thought, took out some money, then put it back and closed the drawer. She stood there a minute longer, then opened the drawer again, thought about it some more, then closed the drawer yet again. Apparently the computer on the cash register was broken or something. At this point, she reaches under the counter and pulls out a calculator, which she proceded to punch numbers into for a good two minutes. And finally she opens the drawer and takes out my six dollars and a quarter. I feel afraid for our future when a High School junior or senior can't make simple change.