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About jssk

  • Birthday 04/09/1962

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  • Occupation
    Software Engineer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I wrote tutorials for the Matisse post-relational database for .NET: Part 1 Part 2 These introduce you to a new technology around .NET. Thank you,
  2. Sorry that I do not answer your questions, but why don't you try an easier way when there is one: http://www.15seconds.com/issue/031013.htm
  3. Interesting article Here is an interesting article about ADO.NET with an useful object-oriented extension: http://www.15seconds.com/Issue/031013.htm The aritcle presents an alternative database for .NET.
  4. You really mentioned the reason whey many object databases did not succeed (compared to relational databases at least), I think. In the points you made, I found Matisse very different. Schema change with Matisse is as flexible as relational database. You add a new field (attribute) to a table (class), and you application still works without recompilation. And, the product has a pretty good SQL engine and an ODBC driver so you can use reporting tools. I was really careful before I chose Matisse, because I knew the problems with object databases. By the way, did you use ObjectStore with .NET?
  5. Why don't you try to go beyond O/R mapping in the .NET environment? With my recent project, I used Matisse (http://www.matisse.com) and I was relieved from O/R mapping pain. It seems like Matisse is categorized in object database, but I saw it as an SQL database with a pretty good object interface. Just give a try.
  6. Well, there was no need for object/relational mapping in a project with pretty simple database model I had worked on. Use DataReader or DataSet here and there, show values, update database, it worked fine. Now, in another application with more than 200 tables and 400 relationships among them, I was not confident with the future maintenance especially for schema change if I used O/R mapping. I searched for object database, found only one with a good .NET interface, Matisse. Still in the middle of development, so far so good.
  7. You cannot change the database of an OleDbConnection object. You need to create another instance of OleDbConnection to access other database.
  8. I'm using "other", which is Matisse object database http://www.matisse.com Native ADO.NET provider provided. No O/R mapping needed. SQL is faster than SQL Server. The database is easily accessible from Java, C++, PHP, Perl. Windows/Linux. I like it better than SQL Server or MySQL.
  9. This is not about SQL syntax, but you need to escape the double quote character (") if you use a double quote in a SQL statement. For example, "SELECT \"last name\" FROM Person"
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