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  1. Tomba

    growing array

  2. hi all, I want to realise something like a string[][3] , or if you like some kind of an alternative to a vector in C++. I know there is a special class in .net (c# here) that allows you to dynamically add elements, without having to 'create' elements at declaration. thanks, Steven DG
  3. thank you very much ;)
  4. well point is I now have an Mdi form, with 1 standard child, that is not supposed to dissappear, and shows up maximised at the start. although from that child (which is some kind of a filtered list) you can go to other forms, which are at the moment also mdi children of the main MdiContainer. As that controlbox things for maximized Mdi children annoys me, and your control looks much more modern, I would like to use this way instead of a normal Mdi container hmm.. added a form, and can't get it steady (I mean can still move it on the page)... I suppose in a normal panel or something that would be ok, but I can't design a panel like I do a form in VS.NET can I :mad:
  5. hi, is there any way I can do a search for a file from withing a C# program? (I know the exact filename) At that time, I should be able to show an endless progress-bar, just like with the search function in windows explorer. thanks in advance!
  6. hmm well don't you think then that you should at least be able to set the behaviour of the control-box for the complete MdiContainer? Furthermore, very good control you made there! But... well can I also put forms in these tabs instead of just plain text documents?
  7. hi all ;) is there any way that I can make a datagrid, with in one column a button for each record? I have done this for the web before in asp.net, but have no idea how to do that in c#
  8. MDI alternatives I'm getting sick of it here... I'm only working a couple of days with MDI - C#, and yet I have found two bugs: One: when your MDI children are maximised, you get a control box with the maximize-minimizebuttons, no matter what you do to switch that off. Second: Now I have found even a more annoying thing! I have a combobox, which apparently cannot hold any text when it's in MDI. When I open the form as an MDI child, the text visible in the combobox disappears when you have worked on another program, and does not appear at startup. The only way to get it shown is by selecting the item with the mouse again... When I open the form by not specifying its MdiParent, all goes well :confused: :mad: hmm as a footnote then, is there anyone who knows a good alternatice then for Mdi, I only need the children to work maximized. Anyone has a control that allows me to make a tabbed thing like Visual Studio? thanks
  9. I'm actually looking for the same, although in c# preferrably :-/ If you have a solution yet, let me know please greetz, Tomba
  10. hmm.. apparently I can only set a field ID when I want to retreive a value from a recordset. I mean this: while (dr.Read()) { this.cmbCity.Items.Add(dr.GetString(0)); } that dr.GetString() cannot accept a field name instead of an integer. Is there any other function or way to reference a field by its name, instead of by its number?
  11. hmm one more question also... is it possible to prevent users from minimizing/resizing the child form, and this way always show MdiChildren maximized? again same as Word I think...
  12. hi all, making an MDI program here, I would like to realise a layout similar to that of MS Word or something. At the moment here, it looks like the chilform is sunken in the parent form. I can't find something to change that :confused: anyone knows this? thanks!
  13. I'm using the same sort of thing, although I found it before you :p just joking anyway, I just can't get at load an item selected... how would you do that then? I just the item with member ID = 1 be selected when the form loads greetz Tomba ps: funny waking up old threads over and over again :p
  14. heya people, found the solution! the EncodingName of codepage 10000 returns "Western European (Mac)". imports system.text ... dim en as encoding en = encoding.getencoding(10000) ... sr = new streamreader(fs, en) still, vb.net is overpowered :o have fun with this if you would need it ;)
  15. afraid so yes :( all empty lines when I choose UTF7 I get black blocks instead of é and à and stuff. whe choosing ASCII all those special characters appear like question marks damn vb.net can suck big time! :mad: seems like no one knows it too :(
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