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Everything posted by clearz

  1. How come when I type in Directx9 Sprite class into google I get 62 irrivalent results back. What is wrong with microsoft. Why Is it that after downloading the SDK a few months ago I know next to nothing about DirectX and the .Net platform. Is there a conspiricy between microsoft and the pro gaming companys not to let any new programmers in. Does anyone else feel like this. Regards, John.
  2. Hi I am using the Wininet windows api to connect to the internet. The problem is I have Connect Automatically checked in the dial up window which works fine when I open Internet Explorer but when somebody trys to access the net through my program they always have to click connect. how can I solve this so it will connect automatically. VB or C# code would help. Thanks John.
  3. No it is not a rhetorical question. It is not just java that uses the lower case convention UML uses it also.
  4. Does anyone know why microsoft decided to start all methods in C# with a capital letter. I thought that C# was made to make it easy for java programmers to migrate to the .Net framework this capital letter thing is seriously annoying especially what going from one language to the other. Clearz
  5. Hi I am developing a piece of software that automatically loads on windows startup. It is a full screen directdraw app. I would like to be able to display a windows form on top of this fullscreen background. Is there a way of doing this. I am using C#. Thanks John Cleary.
  6. I think that file is for playing media files. I am trying to encode them. Do you know of any other librarys that will let me encode in WMA perhaps one that you import using the: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [DllImport("user32.dll",EntryPoint="FindWindow")] method. All I want to be able to do is encode a WMA file (I was hoping to do it directly from the line in or the mic in real time if possible) regards John.
  7. Hi I first have to say im quickly loosing fate in c# as a serious language. Maby its different if you are using Visual Studio but for somebody like myself who liked to hard code in a text editor its a real pain in the butt. Anyway I have downloaded the Windows Media SDK from Microsofts site. There is a dll file Interop.WMEncoderLib.dll which im sure is the main file you need so when I am compiling I reference it by using /r:Interop.WMEncoderLib.dll this lets me compile the program ok. Now when I go and run it I keep getting an exception "COM object with CLSID {632B606A-BBC6-11D2-A329-006097C4E476} is either not valid or not registered.". I have tried using ResAsm.exe and all that but I still am getting the message. Can anybody please help. Thanks John Cleary
  8. C# DirectX FullScreen Mode Hi I have been searching the net looking for a tutorial that tells you how to start a direct3d application in fullscreen mode in c# without any luck. All the tutorials seem to display in a window. Can anyone tell me how it is done. Thanks John
  9. Thanks the wildcard worked perfectly.
  10. Hi I am using a texteditor to write my c# programs. Currently I have to write all my classes in one big file to get it to compile. I would like to keep my classes in seperate files in the same directory as my main class but the c# compiler will not find them. How do I go about getting the compiler to see them. Thanks John Cleary
  11. Hi, Im just after downloading a program called exemplar.exe it will decompile my c# programs right back into source code. This is a great security concern for me. Is there a way to stop this from been able to be done (Or at least so easily). Thanks John Cleary
  12. http://www.devx.com/codemag/Article/10337/0/page/4 Tells me exactly what I want to know
  13. I know I can use Update to display the GUI but I have no control over it.
  14. Hi, I have an app with two threads. The main thread creates the GUI while another thread is created that connects to a web page and downloads some html files for parsing. When the needed information is extracted a Dataset is created containing a DataTable containing the information. When I try to bind the dataSet to a DataGrid on the GUI using the following: this.curStatementGrid.SetDataBinding(myDataSet, "Customers"); I get an exception saying System.ArgumentException: Controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control on a different thread. at System.Windows.Forms.ControlCollection.Add(Control value) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTextBoxColumn.SetDataGridInColumn(DataGrid va lue) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle.SetDataGridInternalInColumn(DataG rid value) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle.SetInternalDataGrid(DataGrid dG, B oolean force) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle.set_DataGrid(DataGrid value) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.SetDataGridTable(DataGridTableStyle newTable , Boolean forceColumnCreation) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.Set_ListManager(Object newDataSource, String newDataMember, Boolean force, Boolean forceColumnCreation) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.Set_ListManager(Object newDataSource, String newDataMember, Boolean force) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid.SetDataBinding(Object dataSource, String dat aMember) at MyFormProject.MainForm2.connect() I understand what this is trying to say to me but I cant figure out a way arround it. If I use a single thread It works fine but the entire GUI is locked up until all the web pages are got and parsed(this can take up to 15 seconds) Does anybody have any ideas. Thanks John Cleary
  15. Thanks everybody got that working now.
  16. Yes everything is in the same directory. It runs fine when running it from textpad. Is there a way of changing the current working directory from within a c# program.
  17. Hi I use textpad to code my c# programs. To get a xp lookandfeel I use a manifest file and a ((ButtonBase)Btn).FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; line of code for the buttons. This all works fine when I compile and run it from textpad. When my program is complete I use the command line to do the final compilation to get rid of the console window and add an Icon. I use something like csc /t:winexe /r:System.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /r:System.Windows.Forms.dll /win32icon:Icon1.ico /res:Icon1.ico /out:"Name.exe" BankApp.cs This compiles OK but when I run the program I get the old windows look and feel. Can anyone please tell me were I am going wrong. Thanks John Cleary.
  18. Hi I use textpad to code my c# programs. To get a xp lookandfeel I use a manifest file and a ((ButtonBase)Btn).FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; line of code for the buttons. This all works fine when I compile and run it from textpad. When my program is complete I use the command line to do the final compilation to get rid of the console window and add an Icon. I use something like csc /t:winexe /r:System.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /r:System.Windows.Forms.dll /win32icon:Icon1.ico /res:Icon1.ico /out:"Name.exe" BankApp.cs This compiles OK but when I run the program I get the old windows look and feel. Can anyone please tell me were I am going wrong. Thanks John Cleary.
  19. Great Thanks ballisticnylon that is exactly what im looking for
  20. Hi, I am looking for is a way to add extentions to C# like in java were you just drop the jar file into the ext folder. I have downloaded the Windows Media Encoder sdk for c#. There is a file that came with it Interop.WMEncoderLib.dll. I think this is the file were all the magic happens (Im new to C#) what do I do with this file to be able to use the included namespaces. I am not using visual c# just the compiler and a text editor. Thanks John Cleary
  21. That is fine if you are using a single line textbox but the textboxs I am using are multiline.
  22. Hi TextBox t = new TextBox(); t.Text = "Hello"; Graphics g = t.CreateGraphics(); Ok this gets the graphics object of a textbox. What I would like to do is create an image object from that textbox am I on the right track using a Graphics object or is there some other way. Any help would be appricated. Thanks John
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