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Xtreme .Net Talk

Dark Shadow

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Everything posted by Dark Shadow

  1. P.S. : the underscore will not appear on the form until you press Alt.
  2. press "Print Screen" button on your keybord, paste the image in a image editor (like Paint) and print.
  3. my question was how to code in the menu : (copy item, paste item, del item) thx
  4. how use a context menu? In the form i put a context menu item and copy , paste was in. This is my code to bring up a popup menu ... Private Sub LstAdmin_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lstAdmin.MouseDown If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then Me.ContextMenu1.Show(Me, PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position)) End If End Sub
  5. make a recherch in google or try in http://www.download.com to download a icone explorer (can read icone in .dll, .exe, etc) P.S.: A good librairy in windows "shell32.dll" in system
  6. Thanx you, this working :-)
  7. I dont find how to do that. :-(
  8. How put a tooltips over a systemtray icon. Thx for your help!!!
  9. It's working thx Đ@ΓЌ §Ħ@ĐØШ
  10. When I try to upgrade the project I have this error message : Why this append and how to compile my code ? Thx Đ@ΓЌ §Ħ@ĐØШ
  11. How to drag item from a treeview and drop this in a listbox Thx
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