Hi All,
I installed VS.NET a day ago and having some trouble now with the error "Cannot find installable ISAM..."
What I did is :
I added an Oledbconnection Connection to my form, configured it for Access 2000, test the connection and it was ok.
And then I tried to add an OleDbAdapter, a wizard poped up, it was fine :) , I selected my DbConnection and then defined my query. When I pressed Finish Button in the wizard, a Login box pop ups and asks me For Login name and password?
What do I suppose to enter these fields? My db is not password protected, my connection works fine ( I mean I tested it while creating DbConnection and also I can build queryies with the db adapter wizard ), but it keeps poping up that Login box.
I am using win2k professional, so I tried to use my predefined userIDs and passwords for my win2k, when I do so, it says "Cannot start your application, The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user".
When I try only entering the Login name as "Admin" ( which is default while creating DbConnection ) and an empty Password, it says "Cannot find installable ISAM..."
I searched MSDN for an answer but the only article I found about this error is talking about using foxpro with older mdac versions ( version lower than 2.1 ) , and I am using mdac 2.7.
I know that there is a small thing I am missing, or lets say I hope that..
Do you have any idea ?