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Everything posted by tehon3299

  1. Everything works except for the minutes.
  2. Thanks...I know how to do it in VB..Thanks again
  3. How can I get an integer NOT to round? i.e. 1.88 I want to be 1 and not round up to 2. Or should it be a double? If so, I do I now show the decimal places?
  4. Using the Environment.TickCount, how can I turn the milliseconds into days, hours, minutes??
  5. What would be the best way to display the uptime of a computer on a webpage? Should I use aspx? Also, is there a way to get the running time of the computer? Thanks!
  6. Yeah, I think my message was something not being fully compatible also. I just installed it anyways and it seems to be fine. I don't see how Windows Server 2003 (aka .NET before it was RTM) was not compatible with VS .NET..lol...it's Microsoft
  7. Has anyone else installed .NET on Windows Server 2003? I get a message saying that the operating system is not compatible. But you can click continue and install anyways. Anyone else get this message?
  8. Does anyone know how to get the online time for a screen on AOL Instant Messenger? I want to write an app that will tell me how long someone has been signed on...just like it is in the AIM program.
  9. Are you getting the HTML code and parsing out all of the links? I just wrote a program that does that and once it gets all links on a page it gets all the links on all of those pages and so on. Basically it never ends.
  10. Well if each time a new class is created, and when it's done being used shouldn't it automatically be flagged for garbage collection?
  11. Can someone tell me a good control that allows drag and drops? I know a richtextbox does but I need something with a little more organization. Does a listviewbox let you drag and drop? If so, how is it coded?
  12. Should I be creating that Public Sub New() or should I use the .NET built in one?
  13. Thanks for the help!
  14. It is on the same form. This code is referencing everything that is on this form. For some reason, when I have a New() procedure then the form load procedure does not seem to be firing. Shouldn't this still be getting called?
  15. What do you mean? My listview is on this form and it's named lvwPlayers. Also, if I comment out that line it just raises an error on the next line, and so on and so on...
  16. Can you see where the error is in this? Dim team As String Public Sub New(ByVal teamName As String) team = teamName End Sub Private Sub frmRosterView_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim listViewItems As New ListViewItem() lvwPlayers.View = View.Details lvwPlayers.GridLines = True lvwPlayers.Columns.Add("First", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) lvwPlayers.Columns.Add("Last", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) lvwPlayers.Columns.Add("Address", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) lvwPlayers.Columns.Add("City", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) lvwPlayers.Columns.Add("State", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) lvwPlayers.Columns.Add("ZIP", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left) Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM tmPlayerInfo WHERE Team = teamName" Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=StatKeeper;Trusted_Connection=yes") Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(mySelectQuery, myConnection) myConnection.Open() Dim myReader As SqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader() While myReader.Read() listViewItems.Text = myReader.GetValue(2) listViewItems.SubItems.Add(myReader.GetValue(3)) listViewItems.SubItems.Add(myReader.GetValue(4)) listViewItems.SubItems.Add(myReader.GetValue(5)) listViewItems.SubItems.Add(myReader.GetValue(6)) listViewItems.SubItems.Add(myReader.GetValue(7)) lvwPlayers.Items.Add(listViewItems) listViewItems = New ListViewItem() End While myReader.Close() myConnection.Close() End Sub It says that lvwPlayers.View = View.Details is a null exception. And I have a listview on my form named lvwPlayers.
  17. Think you could post your example for me?
  18. Will the public sub new fire before the form load event is fired?
  19. How would I pass a string from a form to another form? I want to pass the value of a selected item in a listview to another form. How would this be done?
  20. Why am I getting an error that says I can only add "First Item" in one spot or I must remove or clone it? Dim listViewItem As New ListViewItem() Dim ctr As Integer = 0 lvw.View = View.Details lvw.Columns.Add("First Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) lvw.Columns.Add("Second Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) lvw.Columns.Add("Third Column", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) For ctr = 0 To 5 listViewItem.Text = "First Item" listViewItem.SubItems.Add("Second Item") listViewItem.SubItems.Add("Third Item") lvw.Items.Add(listViewItem) Next End Sub Am I adding the ListViewItem to the lvw wrong? If I move the lvw.Items.Add(listViewItem) outside the loop it works fine but obviously only does it once. Once I move it into the loop, it bombs.
  21. Thanks!
  22. Can someone tell me how I would make a form bigger on the fly? For example, when a user clicks a button, I am clearing my listview and making it bigger but I also need to make the form bigger. I thought: frmTest.width=1000 would work but there is no such method. The form I am trying to resize, is the form that I am currently displaying as well.
  23. Yes, I am selecting one item in the box.
  24. Alright. Once again I have a question about garbage collection in .NET. I have a program that parses through a websites code and gets all the links on that page and then goes to each one of those links and gets all those links and so on. As you can imagine this program will never stop running. BUT everytime I find a link I am creating an object of a class and after about 25 minutes I get a memory error. I have a finalize method in my class that sets the object equal to nothing but what else do I need to do to free the memory?
  25. It is still bombing on the: Dim StringVariable As String = lvwTeams.SelectedItems(lvwTeams.Items(0).Index).Text TextBox1.Text = StringVariable It says argument out of range exception. I can not figure this out.
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