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Everything posted by quwiltw

  1. The equivilent in .NET is Int32 which is the same size. From BOL:
  2. It may just be the idealist in me peeking through, but I do. The OpenSource community will bring it to Linux and as a result all the *NIXes which is one huge set of platforms, then, in my mind, what's left is Mac, which with their unix underpinnings shouldn't be that big of leap. My guess is that it won't be long (1-2 years) before their's a .NET Framework available for most popular platforms. As far as vender independent, not sure what you mean?
  3. Sun's documentation sucks but as antecdotal evidence, in IE go to Tools-> Internet Options-> Advanced and scroll down to Java and see where you can enable JIT? That's the microsoft VM not sun's.
  4. tehon, your posts keep getting moved for a reason. pls pay attention to the forum titles and post them where it makes sense (ie. a database question in the database forum). Inserts insert data and Updates update existing data.
  5. I was actually referring to the JIT built in to most JVMs. This link should help understand what I was saying. My overall point was just that Java, sans a Swing UI, is fast and that "interpreted" is kinda misleading in the traditional sense of "interpreted," since it is compiled (you conveniently use the word 'produces' instead) into bytecode. It really doesn't matter, we seem to agree on the main points. http://wwws.sun.com/software/solaris/jit/ Yaminz, there was a time when I would say the same thing about Java, and those folks who continue to say that probably haven't taken the time to dig as deep into the architecture of .NET, where they'd quickly learn it's superior. Not sure if your friends fall into this category, but there are many folks out there that simply have a bias against Microsoft, so much so that they can't admit when they finally get it right, which is the case with .NET.
  6. Never? C'mon Microsoft isn't the first to think of JIT. It's been around in the Java world for a while and does compile to native code, so "never" seems overboard -- my position remains unchanged.
  7. nope, have you tried pasting into QueryAnalyzer and see if it runs?
  8. Umm.. I don't know why don't you look at the Message property of the exception? Set a break point at the exception and look at it.
  9. You should probably stick to the ".net" ways that have been suggested. Either way, hardcoding the file path is not good.
  10. Java doesn't support multiple inheritance. I think the lack of it in Java was intentional -- I assumed the same for C#, VB.NET.
  11. try printing out the exception and see what it says. it's probably throwing an exception but you're essentially catching and suppressing it.
  12. You're not closing the connection. The connection.Open() should also be in a try catch block for good measure.
  13. Can you eithe repose the update of your code or edit the old one? Cause I can't see where you're opening the connection either.
  14. All this "Java is Interpreted" talk and its slowness being attributed to that is a bit misleading. Java is about as interpreted as a .NET language is; in fact they both seem a little compiled and a little interpreted at the same time. As for it being slow, I think it has more to do with it's graphics (swing package) and less because of its pseudo-compiled nature. This is probably why you see tons of web apps written in java but not many client-side apps -- because web apps don't need swing for thier UI.
  15. you're never actually executing the command in this code. you'd need to call MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() or add the MyCommand as your InsertCommand property of the dataadapter and call its Update() command. Shouldn't FileName be in parens after tmSongs too?
  16. Create a OleDbCommand object with the select statement as the commandtext and assign it to the SelectCommand property of the dataadapter. Look under Data and ADO.NET on this page for an example: http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/howto/
  17. Are you calling EndCurrentEdit on the bindingcontext?
  18. Fortunately the associated technologies are covered in a public ECMA spec -- hence MS *can't* just take them away. They can stop supporting Visual Studio.NET (highly unlikely) but we'll always have the good work at go-mono.com BTW. This should be posted in Random Thoughts.
  19. wonderful:-\
  20. Are you going to list all the files on one page and you just want to move to the right letter (in which case a simple <a name="whatever"/> will do the trick) or only show the files matching the letter (refer to the two techniques above).
  21. Take a look at System.Enum.GetNames() If you still have trouble let me know.
  22. Perhaps I don't understand? Public MySub() Try 'do some processing that could throw an exception Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception("Error in MySub",ex) End Try End Sub Is that what you're asking?
  23. Nope. Are you saying at first it lists all the files and then as the user clicks the letters it filters the files based on the first letter? If so I could imagine either a Dataset with a DataView handling the filtering (quick and simple) OR a multidimensional arraylist (much more manual).
  24. Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 60 seconds. What's that about? Generally I only have a few minutes to jump on and see if there's something I can answer. Given these "spurts" I don't really have 60 seconds to wait in between posts. Of course it may take a few hours before the next "spurt".
  25. Strangely enough, there isn't a built-in control (that I've found) to similar to the OpenFileDialog that allows for directory selection and I haven't figured out a way to trick the OpenFileDialog into selecting just directories. I think you'll have to write your own, which is fairly simple or there are a number of tutorials on the net that use this as an example.
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