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Everything posted by quwiltw

  1. If you're talking about making them look XP at design time, we did this by adding the manifest in the VS directory, and it worked, but we removed it shortly thereafter for some reason that escapes right now. It was a bad idea as I recall -- somehow made things break.
  2. Sounds like you've got a good idea for it to me. Declare it as Public Shared in the base form and use the appropriate events. Are you sure a Stack is the structure you want though? Unless they are all modal, seems like you'd run into problems trying to remove them.
  3. Check out divil's tutorial on the subject here... http://www.divil.co.uk/net/articles/plugins/plugins.asp
  4. An easier way is to use the drop-down boxes in code view. At the top of the code editor, use the left drop-down to select the control you're interested in and the right one to select the event you want to handle.
  5. See if this helps you get started... http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemiostreamreaderclassreadlinetopic.asp
  6. Without knowing exactly what you're trying to do, it's hard to provide any meaningful feedback for you. From what I can tell though, I'm wondering if you've taken a look at the SQLHelper code you can download from Microsoft? It wraps a lot of the housekeeping type stuff for you if that's what you're after -- though I don't use it.
  7. You can't. XSLT is just a simple transformation language. You need the FO (formatting objects) for the composition required for PDF. Maybe someone else will come up with another alternative. The Crystal components in .NET should work just as well for ASP.NET. They even include a report viewer control for the web.
  8. Yeah, that's the problem. I don't think there's an XSL-FO parser in the framework. It only supports XSLT as far as I know. I've used Apache's FOP before, which is well-documented over on the Apache site. I'd be surprised if there isn't a 3rd party component out there somewhere, otherwise maybe you could use Crystal Reports to generate the PDF instead?
  9. I don't *think* there's support for XSL-FO in .NET yet. There may be 3rd party libraries for it, I'm not sure.
  10. I doubt it'll ever be in C# either, but again, my crystal ball is probably about as good as anyones. By contentious, I meant that people usually either love it or hate it. The dependency's in a poorly designed system with multiple inheritance can get confusing. As far as the love it or hate it, take a project with multiple inheritance: those developers who originally designed/implemented it will love it and those who have to come in a year or two later to maintain/tweak it will generally hate it.
  11. If I'm reading your post correctly, you're talking about Multiple Inheritance. C++ is the only language that I know that supports it. I doubt it'll ever come to the other .NET languages because it's a pretty contentious capability. I could be wrong though.
  12. Doesn't work. Like I said, since regular methods are inherited, you'd either have to override (can't because of the difference in scope) or Shadow(which doesn't seem to work either). What don't you get? what you said is true. The base class's New() will always get called AND a constructors aren't inherited (ie. are unique to the class). Maybe it's my wording here. I'd have to check a book to make sure I'm saying it right, but what I'm meaning is true;)
  13. And that still fires no matter what you're base class is doing. Again, constructors are unique to the current class. They are kinda "not-inherited" in a sense.
  14. I think constructors are different entirely. A constructor is unique to that class so it isn't as though you're hiding the constructor of the base class, you're hiding the default constructor of the derived class. I'd need to read up on this to use the right terminology maybe. I don't think you're example would work with a regular method or property as you'd have to use Shadows but that won't truly hide it. Maybe I'm wrong?
  15. I don't get it Heiko, what's this demonstrating? I don't see as where you explicitly hiding anything in the base class from the inherited class. Am I missing something?
  16. Having this problem is usually a good indicator that you might be using inheritance when another approach like just having it contain a property of that type might be more appropriate. Just a thought.
  17. If you haven't figured it out by this evening, I'll try to help further but for now my initial thoughts are: Function combos(ary() as string, digits as integer) If digits = 1 Then Return ary Else 'create tmpAry 'loop through ary finding all combinations for the given set of digits adding each to tmpAry 'this will be something close n=ary.length/digits for the number of loops. Return tmpAry + combox(ary, digits -1) End if End Function sorry this is kinda choppy, it's a question i'd need to actually think about but hopefully this will get you started.
  18. Someone having CS 101 homework problems? Can you post something to show that you've thought about it at least? :)
  19. Then you'd do the same thing. The argument that iexplore.exe accepts it a URL which doesn't have to use http. Just provide the file path and it should work.
  20. I'm not sure what your point was behind posting your code. I asked if you'd searched the forum yet. There are a number of good examples for doing this the .NET-way posted.
  21. Have you searched this forum for "write text file"? there are a number of good examples for this already.
  22. look for WinTalk under your samples directory. it should give you a good start.
  23. I think you could get a good start by reading some of divil's articles, he successfully reduced this topic to something even I can understand;) http://www.divil.co.uk/net/
  24. Private Sub btnLaunch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLaunch.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "http://www.google.com") End Sub
  25. I think the performance benefits are enough to justify the trouble you'll have to go through. I've explained my solution to this somewhere else but it's essentially to do all Interface-based programming in your data access layer and create a DBFactory that creates the right instances for you depending on the data source. You'll have to give up some of the "extras" offered in SQLClient but you'll at least get the performance boost out of it. Just do all your coding against the interfaces that they all implement (IDbDataAdapter, IDbCommand, IDbConnection, etc.) It seems to work for me so far.
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