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Everything posted by quwiltw

  1. I, perhaps naively, don't understand how that could be. Since they compile down to the same CIL code, it seems like they should be the same. Of course my simple understanding assumes that the compiler for C# and VB.NET are equally well-written. I think I've even seen a demo where the same program was written in both languages and when they pulled up the CIL code it was the same. Could be mistaken though, as I don't claim to fully understand the world of runtimes and virtual machines
  2. While there are certain language specific things supported in each like operator overloading in C#, I'm pretty sure they are equals in that they both sit on the same framework and therefore have the same power exposed to them. I think language choice is purely what one feels comfortable with and it just happens that the MS guys are more comfortable with C#. If my customer didn't specify VB, I'd be coding in C# right now too just because I like the C# syntax much better than VB.
  3. Thanks Thinker, I guess I got so focused on trying to make the Load method work that I didn't even investigate alternatives. I'm was just trying to get it working, now I need to go back and make sure I fully understand what it's doing and the relationship between loading an assembly and creating an instance from it, as I'm not real sure why I need to load it if I can simply create an instance straight from the assembly. Thanks again
  4. What string is expected in the Load method of Assembly? I've tried the namespace.projectname, projectname, projectname.namespace, it still doesn't find it. I've got the project for this assembly in the same solution that I'm trying to use it, just as a separate project. Thanks for any help. Dim assm As [Assembly] assm = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("Plugins.SamplePlugin")
  5. You don't have "auto-hide" selected for the properties window do you?
  6. try this... http://www.msdnaa.net/technologies/gettingstarted/vbasic/#step6
  7. You can get the username that's currently logged on by... Dim s As System.Environment s.UserName() I know nothing about "net send" so I'm not sure if this is what you're after or not?
  8. My guess is that it's becuase startForm is your startup object and thus your application. It seems to make sense that if that were closed all other forms would also be closed. On the other hand, if you did opened yet another form from goForm it should behave as you are expecting.
  9. I don't think the answer is as easy as just pointing him/her to msdn. I just had a look at the reference and must confess that it's still not entirely clear. It looks like the InnerList just provides you with a specific implementation of the IList and they've also provided the flexibility with the List for CollectionBase implementors to implement an IList interface as they see fit (ie. if an ArrayList wasn't the most efficient structure for your needs). Though it seems that one could implement the List property by simply pointing to the InnerList property. Having said that, it's just a guess, I've not implemented a CollectionBase so I have no firsthand knowledge.
  10. Does anyone know of a control or other tool that is similiar in look and function to the query designer in Access, where you point it to a data source and it allows the user to graphically build the query? This would be to embed in another application. Preferably .NET but COM is ok at this point too.
  11. I've just found this so I'm not yet sure how useful it's going to be but it really looks promising so I thought I'd share. .http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnbda/html/tdlg_rm.asp?frame=true or for a Word version of it: http://microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?ReleaseID=35981 I'm still open to any thoughts if you might have too. Specifically the basics of how to set up the development environment
  12. Can someone either tell me or point to somewhere that tells me how to set up an existing ASP.NET project for team development?
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