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Everything posted by quwiltw

  1. anyone have a code snippet using the filestream class? the documentation says "In the following example,..." and there is no example following.
  2. in html it is "get". though, in Visual Studio.NET if you drag the controls on the form designer, it automatically puts in a method="post".
  3. this help? C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Graphics
  4. I'd create a DBFactory that creates all instances for you and have all your data access code interface-based. That way you can change later but for now you get the performance benefits of the SQL Server Data Provider.
  5. a guick google search... http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/17/86568.aspx if you need help converting the C# sample to VB syntax let us know.
  6. Yes, as divil said, for the replacement, xml files. There's great built-in support. You've still not answered why you would ever want an ini file instead of the xml file?
  7. You can just look for Microsoft in front of the name on the link that I gave above. You can read about them here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/webcontrols/webcontrols_entry.asp I guess it depends on what you want. If you're willing to spend money to produce a quality product then I'd suggest going ahead and spending the money for something like Infragistics Suite which I personally think is a bargain at $495 or so ( http://www.infragistics.com/products/navigation.asp?sec=2&cat=1 ). You could always hack up a menu yourself but I'd rather spend my time solving new problems not chasing down javascript/dhtml bugs. BTW. What's that avatar all about? Kinda freaky given our recent history.
  8. There are tons of good reading about the .NET Framework on msdn.microsoft.com you can start here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpovrintroductiontonetframeworksdk.asp
  9. I have no clue but... until someone comes along that does, you might take a look at vsHome.js (or something similar) to see if you can glean any insight from it. It appears (from a View Source) to be the brains behind the Start Page in VS.NET. I'm sure someone will come in soon with something more helpful.
  10. Yep. You should have a local user called ASPNET. The ASPNET account will need explicit access to whereever the report files are as this is the user that is actually attempting to access the report files.
  11. When you say the user is "you" are you saying that the ASP.NET worker process is running as SYSTEM instead of MACHINE? I'm not sure which is the default, but I still suspect this is a permissions issue of some sort. Can you check your machine.config just to make sure?
  12. If I thought for a second that the recipient might be even slightly offended I would never, but in this case I was confident that I wouldn't send divil into a downward spiral of self-deprecating depression by goofind around a bit. Methinks divil will recover from my quip in no time. If I'm wrong, my sincere apologies divil:(
  13. We basically use the same model as Duwamish which supports both WinForm and WebForm presentation tiers. We originally came up with our own ideas for the different tiers but trying to get everyone to the same understanding for these proved quite difficult. As a result we found out the easiest thing to do is to use the Duwamish (or Fitch) model and then when questions arise about what functionality to put in each tier we can just refer to that and when new developers come in we can just say spend a day studying the Duwamish architecture inside and out, then they can be almost instantly productive without the need for big architecture discussions.
  14. Does the user that's running IIS/ASP.NET have access to the network drive? Most of the time this is a dumbed up user with little permissions outside the web directory itself so you'll need to give them access to the specific directory where the reports reside.
  15. You'll find some pretty good looking menu controls in the Control Gallery over on asp.net http://www.asp.net/ControlGallery/default.aspx?Category=32&tabindex=2
  16. In value? Does this mean they're on their way to being "deprecated"?:D
  17. Websites: 1) http://www.gotdotnet.com - Look at the tutorials for WinForms, WebForms, and Common Tasks. 2) http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com Books: I've found all of the Microsoft Press books extremely helpful. Specifically, Programming Visual Basic.NET ADO.NET Coding Techniques For Visual Basic.NET also, if you don't have any real OO experience (ie. you're coming from VB6) then... OOP with Visual Basic.NET and C#.NET General Advice: Search the forums prior to asking questions.
  18. Yes. Yes.
  19. It's really tough to tell without knowing how you're doing things. My guess would be you're letting the dataset get out of sync with the database. Are you accepting changes from the dataset after updating? Maybe you could post the relevant code?
  20. what's exc.message.number?
  21. btw. you're always returning 18 because the Message property of the exception class is always a string whose type enumeration always boils down to 18.
  22. It's been a while since I've had it installed. I still dont' recall ever using that capability. Oh well... maybe my poor memory has eased the transition:)
  23. I've uninstalled VB6 but I don't remember every using such a feature. As I recall the listbox at the top and the class explorer did the same thing they do in .Net's IDE (scroll that method to the top). Maybe someone else will come along and help out though.
  24. I'm not sure what you're talking about but does a Right-Click->Outlining->Collapse to Definitions in the editor help at all?
  25. Some folks on my team want to change our data access layer to be all Shared methods instead of requiring new instances for single method calls. Would this not introduce the opportunity for problems in these methods? My understanding is that even the variables inside the implementations are shared so that if two clients made a call to a DAL method at the same time it introduces the potential for conflict. Am I wrong? On a side note, I argue that a "stateless" class/component does *not* imply all shared/static, my colleague says it does. I say that as long as the class makes no attempt to maintain any state after the caller is done it can be called stateless. Who's right?
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