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Everything posted by quwiltw

  1. Why not create a "View" for this and then let your boss SELECT from the view? (or Query if this is Access)
  2. I just found this site and it looks like it's going to be really helpful. Just thought I'd share in case someone else hadn't found it yet. Looks like the sister site to http://www.asp.net http://www.windowsforms.net/
  3. Yeah, I should learn not to answer based on first glance:( Either way you've clearly got a datatyping problem of some sort. If GUID is truly a uniqueidentifier, I think you have to put it in single quotes. You also might want to use Option Strict too as it seems that many of your problems are a result of wrong datatypes.
  4. A GUID is not an int, which is what you're trying to convert it to with CInt().
  5. Dataadapters don't have connection strings but you can modify the connection string of a connection object at runtime. You can point the dataadapter whereever you want as far as I know, though for whatever reason I've never had a use-case for connecting one to two different data sources.
  6. No it looks like you want an UPDATE statement. UPDATE tmBalance SET UserBalance= "& TotalBalance & " WHERE User='" & UserID & "'"
  7. Are you sure you have a Column in your database named GUID? Also, it looks like you have all this in a ?dataset? bound to a datagrid? If so, why not just let the dataadapter do the dirty work for you and just call its Update method with your delete command handler?
  8. This is an interesting topic and I'll be interested in seeing what divil comes up with. Your problem seems to be unique to the application in question. For instance, with Word there is only one process and the MainWindowTitle appears to change depending on what the top window is. On the other hand, Internet Explorer seems to launch seperate processes and allows you to see both. Sounds like you've already made it this far in your efforts but the ProcessController sample app is really interesting. Thanks for piquing my curiosity:)
  9. What DB are you using? What do you mean add to and update it? It's the results of a SUM function and can only be changed if the underlying data changes. You are of course free to add to it in code (because it's just an int), but updating it back is not possible.
  10. You seem to be mixing old ADO with new ADO.NET. Recordsets are no more, now we use Datasets or DataReaders. This Quickstart Tutorial should get you up and running pretty quick. http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/howto/doc/adoplus/adoplusoverview.aspx btw. if you wrap your code with vb tags it makes it easier to read. bracket vb bracket
  11. A quick search on this forum for "excel" turned up what looks like some helpful code to get started. Have you tried any of them? http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69149&highlight=excel http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68949&highlight=excel
  12. Can you give some insight into what exactly the error is? It saves us from just blindly analyzing your code without any focus. You'll likely find that your questions get answered quicker that way too.
  13. To check if something is able to be serialized, you can go to the documentation and see if it has a <Serialiable> attribute on it. Just to be clear, in that example, they are serializing an array of objects in example, not an array of classes. Maybe I'm not completely understanding your question, but if you take that example and replace ClassToSerialize with String, you should get your desired effect.
  14. Ahhh yes 3 is it, not sure where I got 4 from.
  15. Serialize the array of strings. A quick search turned up this for some sample code to start from. Look at Example 4. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Language/serializingObjectsinCS.asp btw. if this relates to your previous question, I say again: XML, XML , XML
  16. The "xml" part of it is the string-based markers your appending. For example, <myFile> <myMarker>jglkaj dgjlkajd akjdlg kjdglkaj glajsd</myMarker> </myFile> Now any node (or marker in your terms) is directly accessible using XPath or you can manually traverse the "tree" Read up: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/01/xml/default.aspx
  17. The screenshot of that looks very similar to JEdits plugin that mentioned. I thought maybe you had in mind an editor where you didn't need to know the funky matching syntax of regex so even the average user could benefit from the power of regex. I've attached a screenshot of JEdit's plugin if you're interested. JEdit is open source too.
  18. You could say it's both version 7 of VB and completely different. This question has been asked over and over and over again. Did you read the FAQ at the top of this forum?
  19. We do this with our own custom SessionToken object that we use to pass between forms and tiers. I suppose if you had some assembly that all your tiers reference, like a SystemFramework, you might be able to get away with it being all public shared properties of an object in that assembly. I think you guys likely know what he's getting at. How do you maintain your session data across forms and tiers?
  20. Isn't that what I said? Oops... guess so:)
  21. I think what Robby is getting at is if he *does* have 2 submit buttons then he should probably change it to one submit button and one html button instead of "tricking" a submit button into not submitting.
  22. If you've got the ability to define these start and end markers, why not use xml? Then you don't have to figure out your own parsing logic, just build on what the framework gives you. just a thought.
  23. I'm not sure what DisposeCommand is but there's nothing about a dataadapter that prevents you from modifying it at runtime (ie. redefining it's selectcommand).
  24. No but the JEdit text editor has a plugin available called RETester that is really useful for testing regex's. It also includes integrated regex help at the bottom. You can type a test string and your regex and test it to make sure it does what you want it to do. Just out of curiosity, what would a regular expression editor look like? Have you seen a good one before?
  25. If you do the join inside the database, you'll return a single table with the joined results. If that's what you want just do a join SELECT * FROM tblTable1 LEFT JOIN tblTable2 on tblTable1.fkTbl2=tblTable2.ID Use the select as the text of your select command. Is that what you want?
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