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Everything posted by quwiltw

  1. You might try ArgoUML: http://argouml.tigris.org
  2. Now in your mind's eye, imagine that we were having this as an in person conversation. I could say exactly the same thing (pronouns and all) and you'd not assume that I'm making assumptions, so why now? Actually, don't answer that -- it's probably time this thread either gets back on topic or drops into the archives forever. To that end... I'll say again: Constitution Party candidate Michael Peroutka
  3. I didn't make any assumptions about where people are from. I did make an apparent faulty assumption that the reader could use context to figure out what I meant by my pronoun usage. Technology, or the lack thereof, had little to do with the selection of a Republic over a Democratic form of government.
  4. This forced me to comment -- the irony. Fortunately for us, we live in a Republic not a Democracy.
  5. Constitution Party candidate Michael Peroutka.
  6. ImportRow doesn't make the row "dirty" with the RowState property, you might want to try using LoadDataRow instead.
  7. The "Evolutionary Computing Framework" again?:rolleyes:
  8. Just a nit-picky clarification... the problems aren't going to be with it as much as with the developer and a steep learning curve because it is a pretty solid product.
  9. Your question touches on two different things: navigating a dataset and data binding. You should be able to find a nice tutorial on both from this site. The navigating a dataset part will be under "Common Tasks Quickstart" then Data and ADO.Net. The databinding depends on whether you're talking Windows or Web forms but you should find it with no problem. It appears I forgot to add in the link:confused: http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/
  10. Can you post your update code?
  11. Denaes, Despite what bungpeng posits above, Access isn't your only choice. Take a look into MSDE. It might very well be overkill for this particular problem but it's something you should probably learn about any way. Since I just googled it and didn't read it, I won't attest to the accuracy of this article but it should get you started. http://www.informit.com/isapi/product_id~%7BD31B236D-00C1-4A5A-8832-BC9A68E9D5B8%7D/content/index.asp
  12. While this was probably the case for this particular site several months ago, my guess is that it is not true now. It is now owned by a business which traditionally don't make such acquisitions without the potential to make a profit (the exception being those that do so for tax reasons). Since their isn't a lot of advertising here, I can't think of *how* their making that profit but I'm sure it exists or will soon.
  13. Your query doesn't take any parameters but you're adding parameters to the command object. This might not be all of your problems but it's what I've noticed thus far.
  14. Use [ c s ] with no spaces.
  15. You sure that "ID" is the name of that column?
  16. I don't really get what you're trying to do since it seems like this would result in only a single value in the listbox but, you could set the RowFilter to "Job_ID='000'" and set your lstDesc data source to that and it should be fine. Something like Dim dv as DataView = dsJobDiscreps.Tables("Descrpancy").DefaultView dv.RowFilter = "Job_ID='000'"
  17. It used to create two sample forums on install. The username/password also used to be "admin/admin" which should allow you to get to the admin console, which as Derek said, is weak, but it'll let you create forums, give users permissions to the forums etc. For the most part you shouldn't have to muck around in the tables.
  18. Anyone know of any projects to develop a XUL processor/parser in .Net? or any equivalent?
  19. I'm glad to hear it. It was difficult to watch you struggle so;)
  20. You could search this forum for "passing forms" and it'll return some relevant results. One of them turned up a link to this which should get you started. If you run into specific problems, post a relevant chunk of code. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dv_vstechart/html/vbtchWorkingWithMultipleFormsInVisualBasicNETUpgradingToNET.asp
  21. If you have the file open in the IDE, go to the XML menu and click "Create Schema". It does a best guess based on the file but may not be exactly what you want.
  22. I've never used the commandbuilder but you can change the direction of the parameter of your primary key to output and modify the stored proc to send it out.
  23. Depending on what you mean by "so many", I think I'd create a simple little Password class that has the three properties you want (marked Serializable) then store them in an arraylist and any time you add or remove an item just serialize the arraylist. The confirming on removal should be trivial at that point because you could just get the password object and test it's values against what the user typed in. Now by "so many", if you mean more than you'd want to sit in memory as a whole, then I'd say you should be using a different technology (LDAP, Database, etc.) to be doing this.
  24. If I'm understanding this correctly, this is not a "problem" but is rather the stateless nature of a web app. You could put in either a client-side script or metatag to force an autorefresh every so often but that's about it.
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