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Everything posted by jorge

  1. Topic, I know it has been askt, but can't find it anymore :( Anyone? Thanx in advance
  2. jorge

    Sub main??

    Found it :p Sub main() Dim frmMain As New main() If sAM_tray_start = 0 Then frmMain.Show() ElseIf sAM_tray_start = 1 Then frmMain.systray.Visible = True End If Application.Run() End Sub Thanx a lot :p And for the closing problem: Private Sub main_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closing End End Sub
  3. jorge

    Sub main??

    you.someicon.visible = True Will show the form too! btw: How kan i work around it? it only seems to stay in memery when clsoe via the [X] not when usding END in the code, that bring me back, how can i detect that [X] is pushed?
  4. jorge

    Sub main??

    After some playing i found application.run(fomr) works :D But still can't get the tray to work :( btw anyid on howto execute code when a form is closed?
  5. jorge

    Sub main??

    ok, I can see the form for a few sec, when sub main end so does my programm :s And it says, trayicon.shoc() gives a error, maby becouse it on the form :s
  6. Cant check don't have vb.net here at the moment try tempimage.show()
  7. jorge

    Sub main??

    thax, but i can read, but don't know how to load the form from sub main or the notifyicon :s thanx anywhay
  8. jorge

    Sub main??

    Sub main + Howto Execute code when app is closed Ok, How do i use sub main to do: Check to see if a valeu in the reg is 1 or 0 If it is 0, show a form, if it is 1 then show a notifyicon. btw: the notify icon is on the form :s I have a temp fix, but it us irritating that the form flashesa few times befor it disapears :confused: :eek: btw: you can look at the latest stabel code here: http://users.skynet.be/jorge/apachemon/apachemon-src.zip Thanx in advance
  9. Or http://www.hosting-it.be
  10. run the installer on a computer, It will popup ;)
  11. jorge


    Case in sensitif :cool:
  12. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/t74721/s.html Take a look here, Hehe, works great -> best to make a funtion out of it to trim down the number of line's of code and simply call it.
  13. Ok, Tobad, but i atleast now it's not me that is doing somting wrong. Strange do i've seen it be done befor, aldo i don't thing the code was vb.net :/
  14. :eek: screwd up the code, i'll try agen, But the strage thing is, it work in a context menu, if its on a form????
  15. Cool, got it to work for normal menus in a test project :D but won't work in as a menu called from a trayicon, you know whats wrong? give's a blanck strip :( ask if you need a screenshot greets Jorge
  16. some more questions: 1. How do i add your code to the project? 2. Does it work for a contextmenu when it is link to a tray icon? i get a small strip thats all??? btw: I'm not going to make a setup, they can dowwload the framework form microsoft.com, so they only need one exe. greets and thanx agen
  17. Ok, I'l try both, IF i run into problems i'll let you know. btw:VF, the one you gave compiles into a dll, and i want only one exe file, But none work when using as a context menu for a trayicon :s. thanx agen
  18. any example or is it so easy i can find it by playing with it? well i'll try by playing for now ;)
  19. Hey is it pasible to add icons to menus(context) without using an external dll? i'd like to keep my apps as one exe file. thanx in advance
  20. And there are some more advance(paid) once to like installshield and wise for .net, these give more options and so on.
  21. Don't thingk so, I have vs 2002 pro and its here. Try reinstalling the frameworks, I had it once where i uninstalled some file froms it :/
  22. A java applet schould do the trick, I think http://www.zerog.com has one.
  23. jorge


    ok, forget the array, i'll call it evry time with: Call Colorcoding("AddAltByEncoding", Color.RoyalBlue) But it there a way to make it case insensitive?
  24. Or try to make a front-end for console apps, Like i'm working on a front-end for apache, And did a few in the past with vb6.
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