I'd like to make a list of all services,
Via a list box i pasible, somesaid use System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices()
But don't have a clow howto!
CLick on apachemon, that mu opensource project :p
User vb.net 2002, there use tab's to ch layout work great, only need to hid one thing or show one thing :p
btw: i could see, you said bedank, in stead of thanx ;)
Je nederland is nog heel goed, maak je geen zorge ;)
Your duthc is still perfect, don't worry ;)
There is a opensource programm where i use panels for mulktiple form in one, have a look if you want:cool:
Dim mut As New Threading.Mutex(False, "apachemon")
If Not mut.WaitOne(0, False) Then
MsgBox("ApacheMon is running")
End If
Will do nothing?
apachemon <- is my exe and application name.