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Everything posted by jorge

  1. Hey, I'd like to make a list of all services, Via a list box i pasible, somesaid use System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices() But don't have a clow howto! Anyone?
  2. Ok thanx let me try... Ok work thanx agen
  3. this is my path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run OR do i need a '\' at the end?
  4. ok set it from on to off, and back and is fix now thanx
  5. Maby related, Sind the forum show the lock, i'm not getting a e-mail when someone replay to a post of mine???
  6. Hmmz get a error, Somting about a object reference??
  7. Thanx mutant, One more question, and how to remove?
  8. Cool, The registry sound interesting, How can i add them from within a program?
  9. hmmz, You can use send to back :p and it will bring the under laying panel to the top ;)
  10. Put a anchor in let say page10.htm, and name it it middel10, The put a link on page one to:Page1.htm#middel10, it should work.
  11. Hey, How can a load a application when windows start? But i don't whant to make a link in startup. anyone???
  12. make a anchor, and the to: <a href="#Nameofanchor">Click</a> <- link to use <a name="Nameofanchor"></a><- anchor :p
  13. euhmz, How do i tho that? :s new to services -> and loops
  14. Jep, CLick on apachemon, that mu opensource project :p User vb.net 2002, there use tab's to ch layout work great, only need to hid one thing or show one thing :p btw: i could see, you said bedank, in stead of thanx ;)
  15. Thanx, One more question, How can i show services where the description canteens a specifik a word?
  16. Je nederland is nog heel goed, maak je geen zorge ;) - Your duthc is still perfect, don't worry ;) @mrdutchie: http://users.skynet.be/jorge/apachemon/ There is a opensource programm where i use panels for mulktiple form in one, have a look if you want:cool:
  17. Other metoth is make multiple panels lay over eath other nad hid, un hide them, that what i do. btw:you speak dutch?
  18. http://www.divil.co.uk/net Have a look, als Divil fot help
  19. WHy don't you dock the form? sry no example never done it befor
  20. Hey, How do i get a list of all the services on the local system?
  21. hmmz, Strage, it work, i recompiled it in release and it won't run anymore :( and if i compile it as debug -> the same :confused:
  22. If you don't trust it, Enter <- becouse localhost can be bind to let say
  23. Found it :D Needs to be the full exe name -> apachemon.exe as show in the taskmanager when looking at proccesses
  24. Dim mut As New Threading.Mutex(False, "apachemon") If Not mut.WaitOne(0, False) Then MsgBox("ApacheMon is running") End If Will do nothing? apachemon <- is my exe and application name.
  25. Do i need to define "Mutex"? VB says:Type Mutext not defined?? Btw what if i don't have a form yet?
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