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Everything posted by jorge

  1. Don't know how, but it coul be posible, look at msnplus, it trace's down the msn windows and adds stuff like menus and so on
  2. Installed it 3 time, log give no errors. btw: can't be cd, work fine on other computer where i have it installed, tobad it a bit to slow to run it :s
  3. Lets try. What are de default references??? When adding a form(no references added) http://users.skynet.be/jorge/vcsharp2.jpg //edit:Same for all object, accept shared once like html file ect
  4. Done it, no change :s
  5. anyone????
  6. Studend 15y, Been programing sinds my 12y in vb6, Now i'm programing in vb.net, php, coldfusion(only 2 ppl here it seems), some html(well that nog realy programming) I mostly make application for making teh usage of other(mostly console) application easy, and most of the time they get to the net ;), well for the rest i'm super boring, don't like reading, unless it computer related or fantasie :p, last vacation i've red 2 book on coldfusion so most ppl thing i'm a freak :-\ abd some more blabla here and blabla there, you all spleeping by the time you read this :D so i'll shud up for a well;)
  7. Sub Main() 'Set frm1 to your form1 Dim frm1 as Form1 Dim sTest as String sTest = Form1.TextBox1.Text End Sub In .net you need to dim each form agen. //edit: sry if the code was incorect, did nog have a comp with vb.net near at that time
  8. screen Here you go, This is tge only msg i get then a empty IDE. btw: reinstalling vc# won't help :s
  9. Wish i know, Only says: "Library nog found", and stops loading, so i have a ampty project where the reference is empty and thats all, Need a ScreenShot?
  10. Hey, I when i try to open/load a c# project vs.net give labirary nog found and hangs? whats wrong?, vb.net, c++,... don't ahve that problem.
  11. Some more exaple, Internet explorer, outlouk exprless, office 97-2003 beta, Visualstudio, ...
  12. hmmz, maby i should add the flush :s thanw for the info
  13. http://www.palmsource.com/developers/ Have a look here for palm, there is an sdk if i'm not mistaken
  14. yes, but hide is typed faser, espacialu when you type slow like me :s
  15. Dump question what happen wehn you don't flush? Never done it and it works, alslong as i close it.
  16. i thing .show() and .hide() are faster, than .visible = treu, hide/show is less code and look nicer, but that personal opinion i gess
  17. is it a lot of date? if yes, registry is out of the question, Then maby xml, personaly i find it had, So mabey access is what you need. btw:I'm only 15, and still lot to learn so i could be wrong :s
  18. I thing what he main if you drag let say file.txt from you desktop onto his form, it wil open file.txt and read the cotnent and isplay it into the textbox
  19. Lets ask What is art? Somting you creat, With your ahnd(keybaurd) and it come out of inspiration, so 'id say yes :p
  20. Yes, both admin acount with the same name and password
  21. Thanx, Well, i'll try filtering by names then
  22. crt+space in when not typing will bring up the whole list :p Handy if you don't remober a controls name. btw thta existenin vb6 also
  23. PlausiblyDamp, Don't seem to work when i try it in my small home network? Don't know why, computer name of apache (desktop) Remotecomputer(Dad's pc), Set MachineName "desktop", but nothing hapens :s
  24. ok Thanx a lot:D //edit: Can i filter on description? Did not see iet anywhere. //edit2: How do i clear the listbox?
  25. Cool thanx Can i filter them? Like in the description need to be "some text"? And set the listbox to select "apache2" as default?
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