problem with tcplisten
Ok here is what wrong,
I can send 1 command,
But when it is done processing it, the server termniates,
But i'd want it to keep listening for more commands
Thanx in advance
Public Sub remote()
' Buffer for reading data
Dim bytes(1024) As [byte]
Dim data As [string] = Nothing
'set up server
Dim port As Int32 = 99
Dim server As New TcpListener(port)
While True
'Wait for a connection...
Dim client As TcpClient = server.AcceptTcpClient()
'Connection is made
data = Nothing
Dim stream As NetworkStream = client.GetStream()
Dim i As Int32
i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
While (i <> 0)
Dim sRetdate As String
data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i)
If ([string].Format(data)).ToLower = "start" Then
Retval = Shell(sApache_dir + "/bin/apache.exe -k start -n """ & sApache_service & """ ", AppWinStyle.Hide)
sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]The remote Apache server has started."
ElseIf ([string].Format(data)).ToLower = "restart" Then
Retval = Shell(sApache_dir + "/bin/apache.exe -k restart -n """ & sApache_service & """ ", AppWinStyle.Hide)
sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]The remote Apache server has restarted."
ElseIf ([string].Format(data)).ToLower = "stop" Then
Retval = Shell(sApache_dir + "/bin/apache.exe -k stop -n """ & sApache_service & """ ", AppWinStyle.Hide)
sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]The remote Apache server has stopped."
sRetdate = "error"
End If
Dim msg As [byte]() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sRetdate)
stream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length)
Call remote()
Exit Sub
End While
End While
End Sub