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Everything posted by jorge

  1. Becouse it would blend in better with longhorn and windows xp i thingk, but i agree the xp style look professional, 2k3 dtyle look for litle kidies :(
  2. i Have IIS6 that come with windows xp pro, but i don't like it but i'll see what happen if i install it and remove it later :p
  3. I gues it will take some getting used to, it took me 2 month to get used to xp, and now i'm back in classic mode :p
  4. Well maybe, lol, i'm just a hobby programmer, and i don't care about making money(yet) i gues i'll change in a few year when i'm out of school i wand to make my living out of it, so they OS goes byebye -- back on topic -- Would a debug build be harder to decode than a release build like it is in c++?
  5. hmmz, you gor ferther than me lol, I can't even install it it say i need IIS, but i don't have it, is there a way aroud this?
  6. You can still get vb6, it still on msdn, And i agree, a good programmer can rewrite an aplication faster than a very good hacker can decompile it. e.g. i had on old vb6 project i made when i was 12(i'm almost 16 now), i lost the code, but i rewriten it in about 15minuts, becouse mu knoledg has improved over 3 year, so why cant a experieced programmer recreate msn or somthing? and why is it so important that some one has your source code? Most of my apps are opensource, it help other programmer get smarten and new id's, personaly i'd love to see some one use my code.
  7. ok here is the source code for visual studio 2003 [edit]binary files were removed from the attahed zip[/edit] pit.zip
  8. Hey, i'm working on a imageviewer, but i could use some tips and ideas to add, i'll atache the exe(it virusscanned -> see jpg in zip for resolts) Thanx in advance
  9. ok, i figured it out, thanx
  10. Is there a pice of code to resize a image so that it fit into a picturebox, but doen't ger misformed? i've tryed strech but it misformdse the image
  11. Thanx a lot, is there a good tutorial on systel.io ou there? edit:// is there a way to only put the file names in it?
  12. hmmz, but dont i know the filename in the folder? sind i don't know whith files are there i can't enter the full path.
  13. hey, how can i list all jpeg file in a perticular folder? The filelistbox from vb6 is gone in vb.net(2003) greets
  14. ok thanx:D
  15. ok, how do i use a for each statement in vb.net? i'de like to do somthing evry time a string = x greets
  16. There is a program coled modtherbaurt monitor (or somthing simular) It has a dll, and there is a api avilible if i'm not mistaken, have a look on google
  17. yes, that about it lol, So how can i stop it from crasing whne it done and then go back and listen for a new connection?
  18. I do know what it is suposed to do: Start to listen on port xx Wait for a connection, if it get a connection, Read the data that was send, if the date = x then do z en when it done send a respons and returen to wait for a new connection
  19. Don't realy know, got most of it from msdn, and i have no id what a loop is :confused:
  20. I personaly agree, i hope ms will include it into longhorn, but i gues it will take about 15 more your for it to be a standart requerment for programs lol
  21. ok, i've been having a lot of problems lataly, with somthing, and try loads of stuff like thread and so on, but still no luck So i set up a server that need to listen for connection, in background if posible so i can still have a form visible, but i wandta start and stop button on the form that will start/stop the server, can some one help me out? I've tryed thread as i said befor, but there is the stop/start problem agen :confused: , same goes for services here is what i have: 'Setup server Public ApacheMon_Server_thread As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf Server) Dim port As Int32 = sApache_server_port Public ApacheMon_Server As New TcpListener(port) Dim bytes(1024) As [byte] Dim data As [string] = Nothing Dim client As TcpClient Public Sub Server() ApacheMon_Server.Start() client = ApacheMon_Server.AcceptTcpClient() 'Connection is made data = Nothing Dim stream As NetworkStream = client.GetStream() Dim i As Int32 i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length) While (i <> 0) Dim sRetdate As String data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i) If ([string].Format(data)).ToLower = sApache_server_user.ToLower & ":" & sApache_server_pass.ToLower & "@" & "start" Then Retval = Shell(sApache_dir + "/bin/apache.exe -k start -n """ & sApache_service & """ ", AppWinStyle.Hide) sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]The remote Apache server has started." ElseIf ([string].Format(data)).ToLower = sApache_server_user.ToLower & ":" & sApache_server_pass.ToLower & "@" & "restart" Then Retval = Shell(sApache_dir + "/bin/apache.exe -k restart -n """ & sApache_service & """ ", AppWinStyle.Hide) sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]The remote Apache server has restarted." ElseIf ([string].Format(data)).ToLower = sApache_server_user.ToLower & ":" & sApache_server_pass.ToLower & "@" & "stop" Then Retval = Shell(sApache_dir + "/bin/apache.exe -k stop -n """ & sApache_service & """ ", AppWinStyle.Hide) sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]The remote Apache server has stopped." Else sRetdate = "[" & Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second & "]Wrong username and/or password" End If Dim msg As [byte]() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sRetdate) stream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length) client.Close() Exit While End While End Sub The problem whit this is, that it will end the program once it is done, or if i remove the Exit While, it will well stop resonding! any help would be greatly apriciated!
  22. @ VolteFace: don't thing so, i have sp1 and i needed to install the framework befor i could run my apps, but it thing longhorn will have it, i've read it somle where:)
  23. jorge


  24. try using a public server
  25. jorge


    ok this is what i have(see attachemnt) but it won't stop :s :( server.vb
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