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Everything posted by jorge

  1. jorge


    well, i'm working on a aplication to start/stop and metain apache webserver's, and i'd like to use a webinterface so one program runs on the server and anyuser can login from windows/linux/mac via IE or MOZ or other browser. but to do this i can't use apache to serve the request becouse i need to stop it to reload configuration file's. so that why i need it, i've seen it in aplication like e-mule and some other applications.
  2. jorge


    hi all, Ok i've got a few q's, 1st is it posible to make your own webserver in vb.net(doesn't need to do much just awnser a request evrey few weeks) 2nd if yes, is there an easy way todo that? 3rd if no, will it work if i send a correct http 1.1 header back to the browser with content atached? 4th if yes, where can a find example of server header and where do i need to insert the content. thanx in advance
  3. ok i'll try, hope it works thistime.
  4. Ok, i know it been asked a few time, but i still cant get it a service i've created to work. What i have done so far is: -create a ne windows servoce project(vb.net) add the code it need to do when it starts and stops to the correct subs. but now i'm stuck. i know i need to do somthing with an installer but thats about it.
  5. Ok, i'll try it when i have a lot of time(in 2 days) Thanx for yout help and if it doen't work i'll compile it on my dads comp.
  6. hmmz, well maybe i'll rewrite it, only prob is it not my code, it my dad's and we well code a bit deferently anyhow, thanx for letting me know it was becouse i do'nt have vb6 anymore
  7. it give an error about comondialog crontrole, Don't know if this can be the problem, but i remenber i use to have vb6 install on the compiter with vb.net 2002, but befor i installed 2003 i formated my c, so can it be i need to install all the vb6 ocx's?
  8. Hey all, I used to have vb.net 2002, there i could update a vb6 project to .net, but i now have vb.net 2003 and it always gives errors when i try, doen anyone know what wrong?
  9. well yes, and if it a apache authentication http://user:pass@host/file.ext schould work
  10. ok that is not that hard: add ?usernamevar=user&passwordvar=password to the end of the url i cant give you a full exaple sins i don't know the corect names
  11. Ok it still seem a bit buggy, when there are 2x the same item it still craches, and frmmain.lbfavserver.items.clear() doen't work
  12. ok the -1 works, thanx
  13. i'm added a lisbox with keep ip addresses, and a add and remove button and this code is for the remove button so it remove the selectet item and recoposes the string to save in the regestry, and there is nothing after this acepte end sub here is the code fot both buttons: Private Sub cmdaddserver_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdaddserver.Click Dim sServerFav_new As String Dim serverfav_Add As String serverfav_Add = InputBox("Ip Adress", "Add Server") sServerFav_new = sServerFav + serverfav_Add + "|" SaveSetting("ApacheMon", "Settings", "sServerFav", sServerFav_new) sServerFav = sServerFav_new serverfav_reload() End Sub Private Sub cmdrmserver_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdrmserver.Click Dim sServerFav_new As String Dim serverfav_rm As String serverfav_rm = lbfavserver.SelectedItem Dim i For i = 0 To lbfavserver.Items.Count lbfavserver.SelectedIndex = i If lbfavserver.SelectedItem <> serverfav_rm Then sServerFav_new = sServerFav_new + lbfavserver.SelectedItem + "|" End If Next i MsgBox(sServerFav_new) End Sub
  14. Here is the code, and my apps crashes after it is done! Dim sServerFav_new As String Dim serverfav_rm As String serverfav_rm = lbfavserver.SelectedItem Dim i For i = 0 To lbfavserver.Items.Count lbfavserver.SelectedIndex = i If lbfavserver.SelectedItem <> serverfav_rm Then sServerFav_new = sServerFav_new + lbfavserver.SelectedItem + "|" End If Next i MsgBox(sServerFav_new)
  15. Ok, i have one more question I'm running the server in a thread, so the gui can sta active. Its a trayicon with start/stop and exit in it contextmenu, but i when i click on any of the menu item it does nothing, i need to click on the trayicon a 2nd time befor it executes it, is that normal? is there a fix? I've attached the code. //edit: sry forgot to remove the exe file, so i had to reupload apachemon-19-10-03(new server code).zip
  16. I got a learn vb.net in 24h and How to Upgrate from vb6, The last one was great to campare commands, but now i'm thingking of buying a reference. so it depend more on how you intend to use the book
  17. Thanx, it work like a charm
  18. O, sry, i thout it would work, well maybe i schould look into console apps a litle deeper lol
  19. or add application.run(), keep open till close with [X]
  20. No, my msgbox(data) never show, if i puase my programm the last loction is: If client Is server_listener.AcceptTcpClient Then and when i press run agen an pause a few second later i'm still there in stead of skipping and retrying.
  21. yes, I resteste it afterward with: if server_process.ThreadState = Threading.ThreadState.Running the msgbox("running") end if and i get running.
  22. Ok it give 0, so it is running.
  23. Ok i have a pice of code, but when a client connect the server won't do anyhting. is there somthing wrong with my code? Thanx in advance Sub server_wait() Do While server_process.ThreadState = Threading.ThreadState.Running If client Is server_listener.AcceptTcpClient Then client = server_listener.AcceptTcpClient() data = Nothing Dim stream As NetworkStream = client.GetStream() Dim i As Int32 i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length) While (i <> 0) Dim sRetdate As String data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i) MsgBox(data) Exit While End While End If Loop End Sub
  24. Rightclick on "File system on Target machine" en select "Add special folder" and then "system folder" then you'll see the folder on the right, and put your ini file in there and it schould install to %systemroot%/system32
  25. think i was aroud 10-11 when i started toying in vb6, wich is whet my dad uses, then i aroud 13 i started to get a bit more serius and make some app that make my life easier, The i starte HTML, CSS and then PHP, i'm not a Super good in any of them, but i get alone very well, and about 3 moths ago i started vb.net, wich i thing is a lot better than vb6, made 3 aplications so far that are on the internet somewhere. and latly i'm getting into photoshop. I want to try C++, but it lookt to complicated.
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