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Everything posted by jorge

  1. jorge


    small related question, Can i make a function out if it? So i only have to add all the words to a arrey, And then tell the funtion to fill in the words in the correct place? Sind teh word list is 9,5 pages that would make a hole lot of code. Thanx agen ---- Edit ---- Dim start As Integer = 0 Sub Coloercodeing(sWord, sColor) Do While start >= 0 start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf(sWord, start) If start >= 0 Then txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = sWord.Length txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.sColor start += sWord.Length End If Loop start = 0 end sub Problem is, txtconf can't be found, code is in a module, and frmMain.txtconf doesn't work anymore :/ and u need to call the function for every word, so is there a wat to put all the stuff in a array and pass it? greets
  2. jorge


    k have alook at it tomorrow, nover workt with loop be for do enay extra tips?
  3. jorge


    euhm somting like: Dim start As Integer = 0 Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddIcon", start) If start = -1 Then Exit Do txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddIcon") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += Len("AddIcon") Loop ???
  4. jorge


    Cool, Stil so mutch to learn ;)
  5. jorge


    Ok i found out it is CaseSensitive any work around? and why will it only od the first item?(sry noomb at loops and richtextboxes) If sColorcode = 1 Then Dim start As Integer = 0 Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddIcon", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddIcon") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddIconByEncoding", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddIconByEncoding") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddIconByType", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddIconByType") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AcceptMutex", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AcceptMutex") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AcceptPathInfo", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AcceptPathInfo") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AcceptFileName", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AcceptFileName") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("Action", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("Action") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddAlt", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddAlt") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddAltByEncoding", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddAltByEncoding") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddAltByType", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddAltByType") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddCharset", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddCharset") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddDefaultCharset", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddDefaultCharset") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddDescription", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddDescription") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddEncoding", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddEncoding") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.RoyalBlue start += 8 Loop Do start = txtconf.Text.IndexOf("AddHandler", start) If start = -1 Then Return 'if not found the value will be -1 txtconf.SelectionStart = start txtconf.SelectionLength = Len("AddHandler") txtconf.SelectionColor = Color.OrangeRed start += 8 Loop End If
  6. jorge


    mja, but only 32*32, can't seem to make 16*16
  7. jorge


    K thanx, I'll have a look at it tomorrow, litle bit sick at the moment :( well thanx, you guys are euhm how do i spell it gienuses!? btw: is it case sensitive?s
  8. jorge


    Hey, I want to know if it is pasible to open a text file in a richtextbox, and the give the word "Add type" a red color if so how can i do it? thanx in advance greets
  9. also happens in vs2002 :/ I have one programm that had it befor a format, now it runs fine, but you can view the aplicationv via alt+crtl+del and then dubleclick on it works here atleast
  10. jorge


    I'll have a look, btw: i have all shell32 icons from xp and longhorn, not what i need doh, imagelist can't holled xp icons :s
  11. jorge


    Icons?(sry don't know where to post, here seems best) Ok, I looking for some menuicons, and other icons, The once with vb.net haven'd been updated sinds vb5 :s So anyone have a idea where i can get some cool icons? Thanx in advance.
  12. Enter the tooltip in the text rpoperty of the trayicon and your set. If you still can't find ask and i'll make a example
  13. File -> new -> file ... The select icon for a empty one ;)
  14. Hey, I'm working on a GUI for apache(webserver), I'd like to start it from a remote pc, sind i can't do it with apache.exe -k start -n"apache2", I was thingking about a service controller, will that alow me to start or stop a service on a other computer? thanx in advance
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