ok now knowing what the problem was that it waits for input if there is none i fixed it by adding it to a thread :)
but now i hit a new problem...
when the textbox's max lenght is reached no text can be appended!
so how can i remove some text from the top to make the new text fit?
interface to cmd.exe
Hey all, I'm trying to start and Application that opens the cmd.exe (hidden) and write and read from it.
so far I seem to have fingered out the writing part!
but reading the output and also the code to hide it doesn't work.
can someone help with this (include is my test project I'm using for this)
thanx in advance ApacheCompiler.zip
Is the a way to convert
'Times New Roman'
Into the path of the font? e.g. c:\windows\fonts\times.ttf?
(i'm trying to do it in vb.net)
thanx in advance
This is some very basic code, you need to tweak it your self
but do:
make a new vb.net project
place a button on the form and add
Me.ShowInTaskbar = False
Me.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
Me.Width = 200
Me.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height
Me.Top = 0
Me.Left = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - Me.Width
it will doc to the left side of the primary screen.
Hope this helps a bit
Hmmz have got the encrypt funtion to work, not decrypt jet, still crashes, but i notice something every thime i encrypt i get something else as result :/ any ideas?