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About hazejean

  • Birthday January 6

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  1. I am generating forms dynamically depending on the contents of a text file. Each text file(over 1000) is used to creat checkboxes(variable number). Some forms always open up other forms(indicated in text file.) Other forms are opened only when a specific checkbox is checked on the main form. Each subform returns text output to the calling form. All text is then output to a text file as a "report" I have all the logic working to parse text files etc. etc. The problem is having the main form and sub-form showing on the screen simultaneously. Thanks
  2. still problem now says form2 not defined??? I am going in circles here. Thanks for your help
  3. Question I have following code dim form2 as new form form2.show() It displays a blank form for form2. My problems is how to get real code for form2 displayed? I guess I don't see how code for mutiple forms is resident at the same time??? or is it??? Thanks
  4. Still having difficulty linking to a "subform". Would appreciate any ideas. I have a main form with a variable number of check boxes. If the users selects a checkbox, I need to open another form with checkboxes etc. I may have several levels of forms. Thanks
  5. Still having difficulty linking to a "subform". Would appreciate any ideas. I have a main form with a variable number of check boxes. If the users selects a checkbox, I need to open another form with checkboxes etc. I may have several levels of forms. Thanks
  6. will try...but when I have no brackets...for some reason it was not returning blank in elements Thanks
  7. The problem I have is when there is no left or right bracket. In that case I want to do nothing. Need way to check split results when the split charater is absent. Thanks.
  8. I am using split function to check for subforms called in a text string. The subform names are surrouned by brackets. ex [form1][form2] I split using left bracket, then right bracket to get name. However some text strings have no subforms. How can I test for non-existance of the left bracket.? If no brackets I want to skip call to subform. thanks
  9. I have situation where i am reading a list in text in following form: [string1];[string2];[string3];[string4] I want to extract "string1" "string2" etc I did a split using ;...code follows Dim strstring21 As String = pretext(2) Dim s21() As String = Split(strstring21, ";") For x = LBound(s21) To UBound(s21) linkpos(x) = s21(x) Next THEN I need to remove left and right brackets from the strings in linkpos array. Ideas? Thanks
  10. Need to launch several MDI child forms from main form. Need to preview text and edit results from each child form in mainform before writing text to disk. Need coding ideas. thanks
  11. In Vb 6.0 there were Session variables(used to pass variables between modules)...Is there equivalent in VB.net?
  12. I think you understand the issue. I don't know how to make the text variable common to all executables. Is it passed in the command line? think of it as a series of questions with answers provided in different Executables. the first one might generate the following text: "The student is female," the next "age 19,", the next "an Engllish Major". the next "graduating in 2004" After all executables are complete the completed text sting is: "The student is female, age 19, an English Major, graduating in 2004" this is a simplified example...but hopefully explains the problem. thanks
  13. Another attempt to explain my dilemma I have a problem where mutiple execs create text. in a richtext box. I need to merge the text from the different executables for out put. I want to be able to merge the text and return it to the first executable. Then I want the user to be able to review the text and edit the text if required . Then the user will hit a submit button to write the text to a file. I assumed there was a way to have a common data area shared by all the execs to do this? Someone said in VB6,0 it could be accomplished by session variables?? Is there equivalent in .net? Open to any suggestions. thanks much.
  14. further explanation: I am creating text output in 5-7 executables, I would like to be able to "buffer" this output and write to disk at the end of all executables, rather than writing output to disk from every executable and combining later. Thanks
  15. Can you pass variables between Vb executables?
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